Son of Now See Here

Switzerland is a monocultural nightmare whose immigration laws reinforce this.

The invigorating power of the blood of the young?

Keep in mind their Nazi's are a touch more mainstream and less subtle than yours.

Now, give it a chance. It might not be a horrific tone deaf misstep.

I choose to read that in an entirely different but still technically correct way!

As a large, aggressive man with a large face I often do quite well out of salary negotiations.

Yes. It was bugging the hell out of me because I knew I did that goddamn quest.

Any discussion of the Clintons needs to acknowledge how far the pushed that spectrum right, though. The whole 'The Two Parties are the same' thing didn't spring out of adolescent cynicism in the 90's. It came about because the Clintons essentially ran on being conservatives with a few progressive social issues that

Middle aged ladies, and to a lesser extent middle aged men, absolute favourite thing in the goddamn universe is Murder. This is a sensible decision.

Murder is the best.

Hillary's managing to have the followers who most resemble an actual cult is one of those thing that genuinely fascinates me.

How hubris, arrogance and the seeds placed by my own supporters during the. 2008 campaign managed to fumble an election that should have been a complete gimme: The Hillary Clinton Story.

Why is this new lay out a thing? It manages to look awful on both phone and PC.

Then what is the goddamn point? This is like no boobs playboy.

Autistic Black Separatist Drug Dealer Black Manta.

It is awful.

Pained Goddamn Sigh, Internet.

I did not.

Yep. These people certainly don't like their new TV.

I will call bullshit on that because I have never had documentation less intently examined than my student card when I wanted a discount on anything.