Son of Now See Here

Walt Disney: Hollywoods Dark Prince is a really fun read. It is also so obviously horseshit in places I'm kind of impressed how much of it ended up in popular culture.

You wanna know something more disturbing?

Queen & Country is very much of the 'sitting around in offices' school of the spy genre, with occasional action based asides in, yeah, the manner of Sandbaggers. So I'm not sure what's up with that analogy.

How could you not know about Christian Archie Comics?!

If you own the flayed scalp of a fourteen year old boy then you are going to wear that scalp as a hat, critics be damned.

Oh good. Twitter.

Kevin has an unsettling character design.

It only works if they're these quasi teenager adult creatures.

It got toned down over time and kinda vanished by the DiCarlo era. But early on he was not fond of the ladies. Though you also have a valid reading there. But one that stops jokes about VolCel Jughead.

Technically, for most of his existence he was portrayed as a bitter misogynist.

Archie gets creepy when everyone is some 16 year old wiener kid.

That was honestly kind of the direction I was expecting the show to go in.

He's been asexual for maybe 2 months, the development having happened post pilot. Give it time. Dude was up for nailing that girl who wasn't Big Ethel who I entirely forget the name of a couple of years ago. Or ten years ago. Or possibly 25 years ago.

That's almost everyone off that wrestling cartoon that I watched as a kid that was primary exposure to wrestling because wrestling was on at 10:30 at night and I had to go to bed before then.

There's a difference?

This will fix that.

I too endorse this new direction for the website.

I kinda want this because there will an accent and it will be terrible.

I never understood why that guy was dragging his girlfriend to the Old Superhero Club in that video.

I think part of the issue is the treating that particular arena, the culture war stuff, as the single most important issue in the world is part of how you get into this situation.