Son of Now See Here

Depends how heavily Dan Schneider is involved

If it ain't hosted by Chris Hardwick then it is no kind of aftershow at all.

That Alfred seems okay at best.

The Weird Flash Times were one of the stronger periods of Internet Content.

Kids actually like this stuff. Ain't my fault. Used to think they didn't but it turns out…nope. Kids like it.

Because they are for children and this part of them which is most obviously geared for children reminds you of who the intended audience is. Rather than making your peace with this you choose to rail against it in thinkpiece form.

Slenderman, a creature with the terrifying and nebulous history of being created in a Something Awful thread entitled 'Let's invent an urban legend'.

Yeah. I was thinking it'll probably be someone huge in terms of cultural footprint next year. Like McCartney or Stan Lee.

I got a little depressed once when I realised that while I find the idea of a heaven dubious I can fully believe in an eternity of punishment for various minor sins.

I think it's a little bit of both.

2017 is going to make 2016 look like a warm up as far as celebrity deaths go.

BAFTA takes bold steps to ensure everything filmed in London.

It is as German as all get out.

Yet not a single word on my mix tape 'Discordant screaming that pauses to reveal the date of your death in a small child's voice only you can hear'

Roach is always with you.

I am pretty okay with FFXV as well.

Avandon is a fairly safe spot to dip your toe into. It's comparatively short and more compartmentalised. The writing is also genuinely pretty good.

They are fun 90's style PC RPGs. You should check them out if you think that's your bag.

No. That simply won't do at all.

Wait. What's happening to me sweet, sweet Ultima Blade?