Son of Now See Here

There's kind of a blind spot about how far the Clinton project moved the Democrats to the right in the 90's that's basis for the 'both parties are the same' thing that Matt and Trey's views are rooted in.

It's interesting to hear it from her perspective because nearly every other rock bio I've read that mentioned her, and she does show up a lot, singled her out as a kind of awful person. An omen that someones life is turning to shit.

Just because the thing you're against is worse than you doesn't make you good is one of those ideas that kind of fell by the wayside these past few years.

She's starting to get TV host face I think is a good part of it.


The type of technical chops 'Dark' metal requires is the sort of thing you develop from not being able to go outside for months at a time because the place is filled with norweigans.


Long despairing sigh, internet.

I think they, like LFR, are features that I loved that are very unlikely to come back simply because the raid size ended up being too hard to consistently balance.

It's a great show but it never really got to be zeitgeisty. I kinda feel like it if it had come out maybe….1 or 2 years earlier it would have occupied a far larger cultural space.

I liked Nada Surf and am actually kinda surprised they weren't as big as I remember.

He's still voicing Thrall because he enjoys it. The other 300 or so are mostly dead at this point.

I don't really have much of an issue with Blizzards writing once I embraced it as cheesy and comicbooky. It doesn't get ideas above it's station for the most part.

Thralls apaprently wandered off the main stage but he's still around. Metzen is going to pop in when they need him voiced.

Years ago I lived in an apartment where the only mirror was over the toilet.

The main reason I switched from WoW to FFXIV is that there was just so much time between content and as I was looking down the barrel of another year of nothing new I decided screw it.

14's main advantage is that it's pretty much got Japan as a captive audience as far as 'WoW Style' mmo's go. Nearly everything else they have there is an old school EQ style Korean Grindfest.


Well, we found out the reason for at least some of those plot developments today.

It just had one really significant one maybe 2 years ago.