Arnett Mead

lol holes

can they recast superman

Yeah, I basically agree with this, and I say this as someone who enjoyed it (or, at least, enjoyed portions of it quite a bit).

Yeah, it has a 40% on Metacritic which frankly seems about right. It has some major, major issues, but is also pretty fun at times, and the bad stuff isn't quite as bothersome as one might think.


I'm so on board for Raul Esparza as Batman. Let's do that on TV, also.

wtf is a twitter challenge

Yep, pretty much!

Me thinks

i have never seen ghostbusters (any of them) and thus have no opinion

Exactly. There have been *multiple* recent cases where the original script was essentially entirely written out.

"story by" =! "written by" (see e.g. Avengers)

several h a day? hot dog!

Yeah, it is a total misunderstanding of the POINT of The Left Hand of Darkness and makes any of the author's thoughts on science fiction in general immediately suspect.

Was Selina's ad done by the Veridian Dynamics ad wing?

Richard Belzer!

I'm not too much beyond the sort of basics but I've really liked everything so far! The Cairo Trilogy books I've read so far are excellent, I like Children of Gebelawi a lot, and Adrift on the Nile is a fascinating social critique.

Still working on my Mahfouz binge. Two-thirds of the way through the Cairo Trilogy now.

You don't have Iain Glen on this list? He's first for me.

Per the io9 article on this, he's always wanted to make a fun big-budget movie.