Thin Like Young Clemenza

There's this awesome obit in the Montreal Gazette that talks mainly about how Leslie Nielsen carried a home-made fart machine around with him all the time, and would only ever use it when it would make someone uncomfortable.

You only say that if he's being replaced by a guy. It could just as easily be "The King is Dead! Long Live the Queen!"

Is…is your father retarded?

They way I hear it, they filmed the murder scene with a camera attached to a balloon. But then the mooring line broke and the balloon flew away with the camera attached.

I hear that everything went well at Leslie Neilsen's funeral. Meaning his corpse was successfuly not flung onto Queen Elizabeth II.

He just wants to eat rabbits and fuck fat ladies. The American Dream.

Pete Postlethwaite deserves some love.

Paul McCartney doesn't care about black people.

The key to surviving typos is to genuinely not care.

The problem with John Carpenter is that people started giving him real money to make his movies. His only skill is taking $150 worth of hardware and rubber and making it into something. He has zero ability to make a movie with a budget.

Emerson Thoreau McLongfellow

Yeah, what the hell is *Rapture* about again?

Avalanche of Advil
Bundy Bungles Blondie Blagging?

The problem with changing your avatar like that is that no-one'll even notice it's you.

Was Sean was waiting for that fuckface comment or what?

Interesting…they all look to be in their late 30s.