
Moriarty pushed her off a waterfall.

I don't remember those but I really enjoyed Lonelygirl: Enterprise.

YouTube'd episodes of Nevermind the Buzzcocks got me through some tough times in college.

This review is so spot on.

Yes, and depends if you already have Flying Circus on DVD.

When did Matt Mira get a show?

Elliott and Felicia Day are the only hope I have for the show.

I know it would be a big complication to explain, but could Jorah possibly run into Young Griff out East?

The apex of which is definitely Regina Krimp, who still manages to be one of my favorite characters.

I kinda assume he'll end up being killed by Sansa. They feel like they'll be the last two characters standing.

Well, Davos is Azhor Ahai, so I doubt he's going anywhere. Plus, you know the Wildlings are coming back.

Oh man. How insane would it be to see Doop in a movie?

I don't understand… Is that American Psycho! clip supposed to be hilarious?

Fuck that breakfast at night noise. When am I going to be able to get the unhealthy amount of chicken nuggets I need at 7 am after working my overnight shift?


And let's not forget most kids' introduction to They Might Be Giants.

See I fall right in that camp, and I never watched Freakazoid! I guess I never progressed past Pinky and the Brain.

"Hoop Schemes" might be one of my all time favorite episodes of anything.

We're fans of the Trump campaign-y!

Someone help me out: What am I missing here? What is the significance of the fat owl like bird that appeared at the end of the previous episode and then this one?