He'll always be Mr. Gorpley to me.
AOQ: Just want to tell you that I always enjoy your little tidbits of trivia in each week's comments. Thanks for posting them!
@Cattivo I don't know, I don't mind the dialog that much. I'm 30, and it doesn't bother me. It can be uber-cutesy at times, but never anywhere near the level of, say, Diablo Cody (barf).
She did get bitten, but I think at that point, Buffy held Drusilla at stakepoint (?), forcing Spike to let all the humans go, including Chantarelle.
And the creepiest comment of the day goes to …
Absolutely, Skipskatte. It's one of my favorite moments, followed by the equally awesome follow-up scene with the shotgun. One thing I've really noticed in my recent rewatch of the series, is that James Marsters is amazing when it comes to facial expressions. Watching both those scenes and how he switches back and…
Let us not forget Jake Busey's role as "Crazy, Bomb-Wielding Motherfucker" in Contact.
I saw this when I was a senior in high school with a group of male friends (I'm a lady) who drooled fantastically during the co-ed shower scene.
I'm pretty sure the one-two punch of "Three Men and a Little Lady" and "Don't Tell Her It's Me" were the nail in his career's coffin. Although he was surprisingly not-annoying on Veronica Mars.
I was born in 1980. Just about to leave my 20s.
Rain Man is autistic, not mentally retarded. I've seen Rain Man.
My Two Rules
1) I will not watch anything with Richard Gere in it after the 1980s. I cannot stand anything he's in.
Attn: Steve Heisler
I have a couple pictures of your buddies with Tommy (the guys in the "Our little team on the way to dinner" photo above), doing some strange-ass hand gestures that my friend took if you want them. Email me at my user name at Yahoo, if you want them.
Oh, I forgot … once the movie started, and Tommy was off to enjoy his tapas, my friend Lenny ran out into the lobby to hunt Tommy down. He caught up to him, and got some pictures of Tommy and some random guys (who actually may have been the Onion/AV dudes in one of the pictures above, because Lenny knew they were all…
I was at the 8pm show, too. I brought 9 friends with me, 6 of which I had forced the movie upon at various times. All 10 of us, newbies and grizzled veterans alike, had a complete blast.
Great interview
I really enjoyed reading this. It's longest Random Roles I can recall reading, but it was really interesting. I know I've seen tons of stuff she's been in, but really associate her with Donnie Darko and that glorious Sparkle Motion line. It's cool to see that she's a nice, funny, gracious woman who…
Yeah, he was supposed to be a love interest/romantic foil to Jim and Pam, but "the Internet exploded" so the writers changed their direction. Source:…
It's true. Eric Idle has been milking the Monty Python stuff non-stop for decades now. And he's appreciative, as indicated by his quote, probably because he gets a cut of stuff, so I wouldn't call it a cock punch at all.