
Maybe he (and his career) is just one long piece of performance art, written by Dave Chappelle, that will culminate in an "I'm Still Here" type movie.

I don't know and Jessa's but Shoshanna is a actually pretty popular Jewish name.

I feel like those are terrible examples because neither of them has become "Royalty".  I also almost guarantee you have heard Frank Ocean singing the chorus to No Church in the Wild in numerous commercials and movie trailers. If so, I argue that he does meet the widespread influence criteria and the coronation may

I just browned myself

It's pronounced "espresso"

Congrats!  That's gotta be exciting.

@thecolonelmc:disqus " The ONLY things I've seen are discussions of how he got it the fact real wrong (e.g., including the Klan long before they existed)."

Pretty good call, though I don't think he was ever at the fame level of JT (but who really is?)

I'm trying to think of someone who did as complete a turnaround from hateable to likeable as Justin Timberlake but I can't come up with anyone.

I'm pleasantly surprised by the great showing for Beasts of the Southern Wild.


Yeah I don't think you can call that heckling.  A comedian calling out another comedian for stealing material isn't the same as some drunk asshole yelling out during a set.  You could definitely make the argument he should have saved it for backstage but I still don't think its apples to apples.

In Columbus?  They're also not allowed to wear black to work.  At all.  Weird place.

Damn it honey, the 3D in the mirror ain't working

Ha, I completely agree on the spelling, I had to double check each of those track names.  I like 2Pac a lot but I really never understood how All Eyez became widely viewed as his signature album.  Me Against the World is legitimately great but always seems to get lost in the shuffle compared to All Eyez though my

Ugh, leave All Eyez on Me off that list.  Probably the most overrated rap album of all time and maybe 2pac's worst.  There's a decent album somewhere in there but try to listen to both discs straight through now, its a painful experience.

I feel like it's Kanye's Death Proof.  Thought of as a misstep when it came out but seems to be getting a lot of backing as an underrated classic recently.

That's a dangerous abbreviation

That's a dangerous abbreviation

So everyone read this in the Paul F Tompkins as Garry Marshall voice right?