
Interesting take with the shock-jock stuff.  The social commentary in the beginning of iBrain is what really sold it for me.  When it took the left turn I swear I missed half of it the first time from laughing too hard. Still probably my favorite 10 minute span of any podcast episode of all time.

Playing iBrain for people who have no idea about Bret Gelman or CBB/CDR is amazing.  It always makes me wish I could hear it for the first time again.

Playing iBrain for people who have no idea about Bret Gelman or CBB/CDR is amazing.  It always makes me wish I could hear it for the first time again.

I distinctly remember literally having to pull my car over because I was laughing too hard to safely drive while listening to Farts and Procreation.  Maybe my favorite episode of any podcast ever.

I distinctly remember literally having to pull my car over because I was laughing too hard to safely drive while listening to Farts and Procreation.  Maybe my favorite episode of any podcast ever.

They've had some random screenings.  I saw it last week.  I had a great time as well.  If Inglourious Basterds couldn't win Best Pic this won't either but it's probably QT's funniest film.  For me it is that or Beasts of the Southern Wild for my favorite of 2012 (Haven't seen Zero Dark Thirty yet).

They've had some random screenings.  I saw it last week.  I had a great time as well.  If Inglourious Basterds couldn't win Best Pic this won't either but it's probably QT's funniest film.  For me it is that or Beasts of the Southern Wild for my favorite of 2012 (Haven't seen Zero Dark Thirty yet).

The hate this show received from people before it ever even premiered was one of the dumbest things I've seen in the AV Club boards.  Anyone who still hates on it it probably hasn't seen it.  It's becoming Parks & Rec good.

The hate this show received from people before it ever even premiered was one of the dumbest things I've seen in the AV Club boards.  Anyone who still hates on it it probably hasn't seen it.  It's becoming Parks & Rec good.

@IndependentGeorge:disqus I think you're right. I believe he edited about 40-50 minutes from the version that screened at Cannes.  I would love to see the full version some time.

@IndependentGeorge:disqus I think you're right. I believe he edited about 40-50 minutes from the version that screened at Cannes.  I would love to see the full version some time.

That scene will definitely be divisive, as will the whole movie.  I loved it but I can see how others won't given the subject matter and ridiculousness of just about everything.  I almost thought of it as a great 3 hour live action episode of South Park and it worked for me.  I also thought it had more emotional

That scene will definitely be divisive, as will the whole movie.  I loved it but I can see how others won't given the subject matter and ridiculousness of just about everything.  I almost thought of it as a great 3 hour live action episode of South Park and it worked for me.  I also thought it had more emotional

I couldn't tell over all the gunfire.

I couldn't tell over all the gunfire.

It was played very prominently throughout the biggest action scene.

It was played very prominently throughout the biggest action scene.

I would have probably given it an A-.  I loved it, it was right up my ally but it didn't hit the level of Inglourious Basterds for me.  Christoph Waltz and Sam Jackson owned the movie, but Foxx and DiCaprio were great too.  Probably QT's most violent and funniest film.  There's also one scene (the German speaking

I would have probably given it an A-.  I loved it, it was right up my ally but it didn't hit the level of Inglourious Basterds for me.  Christoph Waltz and Sam Jackson owned the movie, but Foxx and DiCaprio were great too.  Probably QT's most violent and funniest film.  There's also one scene (the German speaking

The scene it is used in is nonstop violence.  It fits perfectly.  Loved it.