
Yeah if it was Eli I'm sure he would have just admitted it right away and killed the story.  Plus someone still would have had to give the girl the concierge key if she slept with Eli so she would have had that part of her story straight.  Finally she did work for the campaign so she would have to be really really

That is definitely what makes the Lonely Island so great.  Every guest they have, whether it's Akon, T-Pain, Michael Bolton, etc fully commits to the song.  Unlike most comedy rap TLI songs could actually pass for real radio singles if you weren't paying attention.

That is definitely what makes the Lonely Island so great.  Every guest they have, whether it's Akon, T-Pain, Michael Bolton, etc fully commits to the song.  Unlike most comedy rap TLI songs could actually pass for real radio singles if you weren't paying attention.

I would think Missy Elliot - One Minute Man would be appropriate.

I would think Missy Elliot - One Minute Man would be appropriate.

I was thinking Edison's Electrocuting an Elephant would make the list but just checked and its from 1903.  Still one of the most disturbing movies we watched in film class.

I was thinking Edison's Electrocuting an Elephant would make the list but just checked and its from 1903.  Still one of the most disturbing movies we watched in film class.

I was thinking Edison's Electrocuting an Elephant would make the list but just checked and its from 1903.  Still one of the most disturbing movies we watched in film class.

For me it was when the lady in Superman III gets sucked into the machine and turns into a robot.  TERRIFIED me as a kid and I feel like I would still get uncomfortable watching it now.

For me it was when the lady in Superman III gets sucked into the machine and turns into a robot.  TERRIFIED me as a kid and I feel like I would still get uncomfortable watching it now.

My dad's favorite movie is Pulp Fiction and my grandfather on my mom's side took me to see Terminator 2 when I was 5 so it's hard to get embarrassed with my parents. However, when I was in kindergarten my mom rented The Toxic Avenger thinking it was a kids movie.  That didn't last long in the VCR.  Also for some

My dad's favorite movie is Pulp Fiction and my grandfather on my mom's side took me to see Terminator 2 when I was 5 so it's hard to get embarrassed with my parents. However, when I was in kindergarten my mom rented The Toxic Avenger thinking it was a kids movie.  That didn't last long in the VCR.  Also for some

The last scene was an angry Derek shaving his head

The last scene was an angry Derek shaving his head

I agree that it does have a lot of good-to-great scenes and a tremendous performance but I still hate the movie.  Though a big reason for the hate might stem from other people calling it one of the greatest, most emotional movies ever.

I agree that it does have a lot of good-to-great scenes and a tremendous performance but I still hate the movie.  Though a big reason for the hate might stem from other people calling it one of the greatest, most emotional movies ever.

American History X is that for me.  Ed Norton's performance is amazing but that movie is pretty awful.  And the end *SPOILER ALERT* seems to say to the audience "Look, the white kid goes from racist asshole to enlightened in one night, but those black kids are violent and kill him anyway".  I get that its supposed to

American History X is that for me.  Ed Norton's performance is amazing but that movie is pretty awful.  And the end *SPOILER ALERT* seems to say to the audience "Look, the white kid goes from racist asshole to enlightened in one night, but those black kids are violent and kill him anyway".  I get that its supposed to

They have the internet.  They can look up what came out in the 90's.  There is really no excuse for missing something like Silence of the Lambs.

They have the internet.  They can look up what came out in the 90's.  There is really no excuse for missing something like Silence of the Lambs.