
I really, really, really don't understand the Bert Kreischer hate on here.  I've heard him on numerous podcasts and he is a really gifted storyteller.  Go out there and find his Tracy Morgan and The Machine stories and I guarantee you won't be disappointed.  He also seems to be a really nice guy who actually roots for

I really, really, really don't understand the Bert Kreischer hate on here.  I've heard him on numerous podcasts and he is a really gifted storyteller.  Go out there and find his Tracy Morgan and The Machine stories and I guarantee you won't be disappointed.  He also seems to be a really nice guy who actually roots for

@avclub-920530cb8744c679e3a2ece84f1d5ce4:disqus Dewey Cox is fucking phenomenal and  2007 was a truly amazing year for movies (that this year actually still has a chance to match).  There Will Be Blood was definitely my favorite of the bunch and my favorite since 2000.

@avclub-920530cb8744c679e3a2ece84f1d5ce4:disqus Dewey Cox is fucking phenomenal and  2007 was a truly amazing year for movies (that this year actually still has a chance to match).  There Will Be Blood was definitely my favorite of the bunch and my favorite since 2000.



Some episodes of the second season showed some promise as well.  That's about the best thing I can say about Entourage.

Some episodes of the second season showed some promise as well.  That's about the best thing I can say about Entourage.

But don't they have to be more corporate friendly now?  Piracy, itunes, Spotify, YouTube, etc has brought the money that can be made from selling music down significantly, so what's wrong with bands finding another revenue stream?

But don't they have to be more corporate friendly now?  Piracy, itunes, Spotify, YouTube, etc has brought the money that can be made from selling music down significantly, so what's wrong with bands finding another revenue stream?

Very dark song but when you think about it, it actually makes a pretty great companion to Billie Jean.

Very dark song but when you think about it, it actually makes a pretty great companion to Billie Jean.

Eve was trying to remember what Polar Bears look like.  It had been a long time since she'd seen a poster of one and even longer since they went extinct.

Eve was trying to remember what Polar Bears look like.  It had been a long time since she'd seen a poster of one and even longer since they went extinct.

I practice ellipsis abuse in comments all the time… I blame the ending of Garden State.

I practice ellipsis abuse in comments all the time… I blame the ending of Garden State.

Hey now… that's a low blow.

Hey now… that's a low blow.

I love Philip Baker Hall in every role I've ever seen him in and Paul Thomas Anderson might be my favorite director but no matter how many roles I see PBH in I can't not picture Lt Bookman

I love Philip Baker Hall in every role I've ever seen him in and Paul Thomas Anderson might be my favorite director but no matter how many roles I see PBH in I can't not picture Lt Bookman