
Wait, so let me get this staight; when talking about Netflix, a $6 increase means "OMFG THE SKY IS FALLING! WHO DOES NETFLIX THINK THEY ARE?!?! WORST COMPANY EVER!!"

I liked this feature better when it was called Analyze Phish with Scott Aukerman and Harris Wittels…

I read that as "Now I'm going to imagine the head of Brett Ratner whenever I'm eating or masturbating…" which would have been really tragic.

That's the main reason why I really feel that it is fair to compare Community and Arrested Development.  AD absolutely gets funnier with repeat viewings for the exact reason you outlined above.  Community captures that perfectly.

In fairness, most singles (especially ones that become that popular) become skippable quickly.  Juicy has the same problem.  I consider Ready to Die to be the best rap album of all time and, if pressed, I would have to call Juicy the best song on the album. But almost every time I listen straight through I skip track

Is it me or
did everyone seem to misunderstand the question.  I felt like the questions was saying what
actors or actress do you hate, but happen to love a lot of works they star in?  For example, if I couldn’t stand Kathy Bates
(which I can’t), but Titanic, About Schmidt, and Fried Green Tomatoes were
among my favorite

The most surprising thing about his episode is that they actually nailed the college atmosphere pretty well.  In particular the (admittedly brief) depiction of the wings and beer hangout was pretty spot on as well as the interaction between prospective students.  I know Donna disagreed with that depiction but I tried

Crouching Tiger came to mind as well.

Save that argument for remakes that aren't directed by David Fincher.

You assumed wrong… so very wrong.

"Known to generations of high-school students as “that book that had Gregory Peck in it,” …"
Wow, that's giving a lot of credit to High Schooler's knowledge of film history.

I see where you're coming from but at least with Kreayshawn I expect a novelty rapper to have to fill some of the verses with nonsense.  The lyrics for Tonite Tonite I posted are literally half the song.  Plus I don't think any two words put together are as douchey to me as describing a girl as a "California Dime"

I can't think of a song in recent memory that I despise as much as Tonite Tonite.  $100 to anyone who can find song lyrics douchier than these, selected from that god awful song:

"Sandra Bullock, who took home last year’s Best Actress award for The Blind Side"

"And given how strange it is, it isn’t a lock for a Best Foreign Language Film nomination even if Spain does back it."

That's precisely why rating albums immediately after their release is a pointless exercise all the time.  So many albums don't sink in at first but get better with time and after many listens.  In addition, there are countless albums that sound great on first listen but get stale after a few spins.  Add in the fact

Agree with the three you mentioned as well.  Don't know how I forgot them and Curb.

While it's not deserving of the Best Comedy Emmy (Louie, Community, Parks and Rec are all better by quite a bit) it's not really deserving of the backlash either as it's much better than the vast majority of mediocrity or worse out there now.

If you "kinda hate" something doesn't that just mean you don't like it?  Isn't hate too strong of a feeling to be prefaced with kinda?

Thank you!  I was just going to mention Seinfeld as a show that doesn't have consequences.  They had some seasonal arcs but for the most part everything reset each week.  That's part of the reason it does so well in syndication.  Anybody could watch (pretty much) any episode and enjoying it without ever having been