

@ jorge: that's my point. NHL & NBA, you've got 30 teams and 16 make the playoffs. 53% of the teams are in the playoffs. what's the point then, of the regular season? baseball has 8 of 30 teams make it to the post season; a scant 27%. to me, that makes both the regular season and post season more meaningful and

@ jorge: no, no, no to expanding the playoffs for MLB. right now, they have the most restrictive format and that is a good thing. i can't imagine why anyone would watch the regular season for hockey since all but, what, 2 teams? make the playoffs.

probably because of all that homo-eroticism.

this has been determined, in t-shirt form: the battle

i remember that article. showed a great lack of understanding american culture. apparently, the guy who proposed it just wants alaska back.

@ prof: tell that to the people bitching about smoking OUTSIDE. i've heard people complain that smoking should be banned in parking lots. that's crazy talk.

@flashman: twitter isn't on the internet? odd, for a web app.

i keep my anvil in the basement, not the garage.

@cc: as an adoptee, i can assure you we only kill the parent that never gave us ice cream, even though we'd been very, very good that day.

based on this quote:
"…how teens can transform their own lives and live their dreams, by understanding and using the power they have in their hands."

@Banmar : people on the garden state parkway will never learn how to drive. what's scary is that pennsylvanians are ever worse drivers.

@ricin: definately the way to go with a suit.

i read that as "management ring" too. the only rings the "manager" in my title has gotten me is 3AM phone calls from india cause some batch job abended.


i confess, i did play the TMNT RPG in my wayward youth.

seconding mmy. stuck at home with a broken leg is not any sort of vacation.

@perfect: i suspected as much.

@sugartits: all kidding aside, consider what this means in regards to battling censorship as the push to become fully digital moves on. it's far easier to simply delete a file than to burn a book.