
a damn shame. i'd pay to watch that.

has there ever been a good movie based on internet trends?
i can't think of a single film based on the "latest" internet craze that was not mindnumbingly dull and/or obsolete (not to mention innaccurate). watching people use computers is dull. please, hollywood, learn this.

i don't think i ever attended a party in college where the organization went beyond someone getting a keg. or, in the case of my group of friends, just grabbing a bong.

@xaa: what can i say. i can't go more than a day without reading, at least a little. paperbacks add up. i wouldn't take it on a day hike, but 3+ days? yeah, i'd bring a kindle.

love means paying an extra 30 bucks for a glass vase you can get at wal-mart for 5 bucks?

the benefit i see is being able to have a decent chunk of your library in your pocket. particularly when travelling. but, even just for your daily commute. i'm leaning towards getting one. it won't keep me from getting actual books, but, particularly given my penchant for getting hardbacks (if i can), the savings

was his name harold?

why not just go haunt your local used book store? or check out somewhere like abebooks.com

i love tmbg's kid's albumns. i'm working diligently to get my son hooked on 'em.

that may be (and hey, if you're going to fuck buildings, In 'n Out seems a good choic), but the UK is still responsible for the existance "american idol". those freak shows on TLC, etc. are usually co-produced by the BBC anyway.

shows like these serve a valuable purpose
as a counter to pompous asses who think brits are somehow innately more cultured and intelligent than americans.

using a computer to call someone a nerd is my all-time favorite oxymoronic insult attempt.

complaining about the AV Club focusing on american pop and sub-cultures (musical or otherwise) is akin to complaining that the new york times focuses too much on news about new york city.

thank you. it's an honor just to be nominated

@ lemur: that explains why the blade gets dull so fast. and the blood. and why i stopped getting the morning paper delivered…

@phel: is that why my lawn screams when i mow it?

my 18mo. old son will chew on anything, bright or not.

alien is a horror film and a great one.

i must have been too young for these shows. or just not watched 'em. so i feel free to wonder why the fuck solomon is listed with two greek gods (okay, a greek and a roman one), a greek demi-god, a titan and a dead greek hero? also: why do you need both hercules AND atlas? wouldn't hercules be enough? he did

to hell with clip-on sunglasses. get contacts. then you can just wear regular sunglasses.