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    That is some top-notch writing, Sean.

    NOOOOO Comedy, Please!

    Ah, Square Pegs. When Sarah Jessica Parker was just a young foal.

    I enjoyed the show (thanks for the Hulu link, Todd). I can see how future episodes might be formulaic, but I don't think that would make it any less watchable. Watching an inventor's idea go from conception to production is pretty fascinating, and I appreciated the inventor/designer conflicts. I think reality TV needs

    You know it's true. Everything I do… I do it for you.

    I don't understand why HBO would air the pilot episode at the end of a season. It doesn't make sense especially since it's revealed that "Hey now" is something Hank just started saying, yet a HBO viewer would have been subjected to the catch phrase all season.

    The ratio really pays off during the close-up of his pencil mustache.

    Season 2, Episode 8: Hot Enough For You?

    Now I want Tim Tams (available at Target!).

    The Writer's Room
    I never understood how the Larry Sanders Show started with a room full of writers in its first season and progressed into one or two male writers (except for the final season when Sarah Silverman joined the cast). The show seemed to get so many asinine details correct regarding behind-the-scenes

    Quick Thoughts
    For a Spike Jonze video, that was lackluster. And I hadn't heard the song before, but the mix sounds off.

    Ben, the Binary Bot(h), this is the last time I'm translating for you.

    I was also unimpressed. It's not terrible, but I don't understand how it made the cut.

    Never bet on "safe."

    Slow down there, buddy
    You say you've been in the casino business for thirty years AND you know Phil Ivey? Those are two mutually exclusive, and therefore awesome, facts.

    There, there, Mike n' Molly. Put on some Salt n' Pepa and open up a box of Good n' Plenty.

    Yeah! Hit the road, Helen Mirren!

    I found this album to be inessential. I enjoyed 2/5 of the songs. The other 3/5 bored me. Organ Music is not nearly as engaging as the Shit Drums EP.

    Fun Fact: Christina Applegate is made of 80% apples and 20% gates.