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    Heller's review is accurate. I'm a fan of Holland's previous albums, and assumed that any new output would be worthwhile, but I have been corrected. The biggest problem with Pint of Blood is that Holland's warbling is over-the-top, and yet somehow lazy. The song "Little Birds" appeared on a previous album, though I


    I'll defend the grade. B- comes from a place of history. The Handsome Furs' first album was a great marriage of raw guitar and electro. Sound Kapital lacks that experimentation. The songs on the new album aren't bad… just polished to the the point that they resemble dance music, and anyone can easily make dance music.

    Da-da Da-da Duh-duh
    "I am your singing telegram! [gunshot]"

    I think the only part that was intended to be funny was when they released the kraken.

    TMBG on Undercover?
    What a pity that Titus Andronicus already covered "Birdhouse in Your Soul."

    What a film… What a smell…

    Frankenstein yells to monster, "Pitchforks!" Monster turns his laptop to Frankenstein to reveal a hipster music blog, then burps.

    It's a shame that Pixar relied on a formula, one featuring the Cable Guy no less.

    I've heard great things about The Wire. Is it any good?

    This movie sounds like a bore, so here's more info about Flip.
    Flip was purchased by Cisco in 2009, but the company recently announced that they would cease production of personal video cameras to focus on its bread and butter of large technological systems. It is expected that the Flip trademark will be bought by

    This movie sounds like a bore, so here's more info about Flip.
    Flip was purchased by Cisco in 2009, but the company recently announced that they would cease production of personal video cameras to focus on its bread and butter of large technological systems. It is expected that the Flip trademark will be bought by

    AD Writers: Where Are They Now?
    I'm aware of Mitch Huriwitz's current output, but does anybody know if AD's other writers have moved on to successful (meaning funny) shows?

    Well, they both involve cutters.

    If a struggling basic cable show is renewed nowadays, a network typically does so with the caveat that the budget be less than the previous season. However, costs of production typically increase due to talent contracts and general inflation. So what ends up happening is that the budget basically stays the same but

    RIP Stella.
    I'm still waiting on a TV Club recap of that series.

    Yeah! Who does Danny DeVito think he is?!

    And you want to collaborate with users on the AV Club. Nothing wrong with either.

    For a professional, he sure does make a lot of noise with the paper that he's reading.