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    Legitimate question
    Doesn't Captain America fight bad guys in the 20th century, specifically WWII era? How is he able to exist with the other present day superheroes?

    Why would he do that?

    GOD: Noah! They shalt build thyself an ark, measuring 300 cubits in length!
    NOAH: [Jotting this down with a jumbo marker] 300 cubits, give or take.
    GOD: Exactly 300! And thou shalt taketh two of every creature!
    NOAH: [Writing it down] Two creatures.
    GOD: Two of every creature!
    NOAH: Even stink beetles?
    GOD: Especially stink

    (MILD S1 SPOILERS) I don't know how far ahead of schedule you are, but you hit the nail on the head. Those marital threats escalate at the worst times.

    Name your favorite awkward Hank moment (SPOILERS!)
    I know the Wu Tang encounter is high up on the list, but I'm going to pick his hilarious and uncomfortable conversation with Gloria Steinem.

    The obscure Arrested Development episode that you're referring to is called Running Wilde.

    I doubt that Wikipedia was around in 1952.

    A Little Help
    I've never seen this show. How does it work? Is each celebrity the focus of one episode? Or does each episode feature incremental progress of each celebrity?

    Hi, Burl!

    Maybe you missed the title screen from 5:00-5:20. There's more detail or something.

    I see the glass as half-untemped.

    Spot on, Chris
    I really like this album. I would like to add that their sound reminds me of Bear in Heaven, and the song Bring Us Closer Together is the best song George Michael never wrote.

    I believe Howard shows up in a couple of season 2 episodes.

    You see, Hank has always said "hey" and he's always said "now." He just started putting the two together, but if you think about it he's been saying "hey now" his whole life.

    That's not stopping Judge Reinhold.

    Fact: No black people live in Norway.

    Status Quo, Internet!

    Great. Now Mark Burnett is going to pitch a D&D reality series.

    I believe that's also the plot of Catfish.