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    I also wanted to defend Saved. Great performance by Moore and a fun movie.

    I expected this comment, though I expected it from Lobsters1.

    [in Rob Lowe's Park & Rec voice] "That is LITERALLY unbelievable."

    I call putting in the last piece!

    Fun With Letters
    Anagrams for Tig Notaro:
    Giant Root
    Oar Toting
    Gotta Iron

    There were seven Police Academy movies. That leaves another 2,993 movies for Google to select.

    Sean, thank you for responding. My intent was not to troll, but I do have an issue with what is considered pop culture news.

    Concept Aside
    The graphics for this series looks an awful lot like Pitchfork's "Best of…" series. I'm not complaining; just sayin'.

    Calling it like I see it
    I appreciate Woody Allen's career and I like (and sometimes love) his movies, but I don't understand why this is news. The plots of his recent movies have always been shadowed in darkness, but so what? When a trailer finally debuts, the public typically doesn't care enough to go to the

    Remember when critics were required to mention Goldie Hawn in their reviews of Kate Hudson's early movies? And after Goldie it was the lead singer of the Black Crowes? And after that guy it was crickets?

    I hate seeing priests in historical dramas. It's such a hack thing to put in a screenplay. They're always so one-note; wanting the taboo and challenged by their faith. Can we ball these movies up and send them to Trash Island in the Pacific?

    5) I'm a movie critic for a website, so it is my duty to post a review. The people must be informed.

    I like that song, but the Muffs sang it well-before Handsome Furs.

    And more gaping mouths. I think Michael Bay's direction consisted of him telling the actors, "These are Transformers you're supposed to be looking at, not Go-Bots. Open your mouth wider."

    They filmed this movie in a warehouse down the road from my house in Atlanta. The prop cars, especially the ones with grapples and recoils, were fun to look at.

    I agree with 'I Guess'. I love Thao's solo records, but the Mirah collaboration is not greater than the sum of its parts.

    Fourthed. Informative and thoughtful analysis.

    Limp Bizkit : Prince's 1999 :: Limp Bizkit : George Michael's Faith

    And this is season 23 of The Office! (dun dun dun)