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    1993: The Year We Saw The Year Punk Broke

    Nice article, Noel
    Your points are well taken. I feel like what's missing right now is a way to patchwork all of these media outlets. You mentioned "connecting a tangle of boxes, wires, and laptops," but I don't think the solution requires hardware. Clouds are a great step, but I think what they need are a way to link


    Unless Justin Long is playing a stoner or 30th century doctor, I don't care to see it.

    Legitimate Idea
    If they do another Scream (and they probably will), they should start the movie by showing us who the killer really is. That's a kind of twist that would force Wes to provide two hours of real horror instead of a shell game of who-done-it.

    Separation of First and State
    The times when you have seen only one set of footprints is when I carried you.

    I was thinking the same thing this morning with the Scream franchise. I remember the ending to the first sequel was re-written because someone spoiled it on the internet. So the fuck what? The studio/filmmakers obviously didn't think long term and now we're stuck with an asinine ending where Laurie Metcalf is

    I agree, but you forgot Eagleheart.

    Nice secondsies, Zelig.

    Clearly I was too subtle with my point. The red-band reads, "Motion Picture Association of Antigua."

    Uh, Red Band Trailer?
    Look again, Sean.

    Agreed. It looks like a hell of a lot of fun.

    Not only is there no conflict, there's no climax either. The birds just decide to fly away over the ocean (very, very slowly).

    Whitney Moore
    I know this sounds crazy, but I was impressed by Whitney Moore's performance. Her co-star might as well have been a sack of potatoes, but she did the best that she could and seemed to be having fun.

    I don't think another idol will be introduced. I think renewing Redemption Island serves as the show's wild-card.

    And humility.

    i and 1, you are absolutely right. I'm sorry to have singled you out, Koski. It's just that my head nearly explodes when I imagine what Futurechimp is watching on YouTube nowadays.

    Nope. This is Koski-ocracy. Somehow more predictable and less comment-able.

    Agreed. Videocracy may have been commented by few, but it was probably viewed by many, right?

    That was my favorite O'Neal sentence to date.