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    The worst cop show ever would have to be Blind Justice.

    In about five years, Rebecca Black will look back at all this hullabaloo and be her own worst critic. Nobody looks back at their teenage years and thinks they were making rational decisions. It's a selfish and ignorant time that unfortunately you don't realize until later in life. Even if Rebecca Black

    From IMDB:

    Billy, you must have been watching a different clip, because the YouTube comments are quite glowing:

    I don't watch MTV2 often, but I suspect they'll play the same non-R&B contemporary videos that they usually play and probably one old-school video by a band that a teenager know about nowadays (e.g. Pixies, Pavement).

    He looks like Diane Keaton.

    They also compile failed pilots into a series of DVDs for purchase.

    But those thousands of other pop songs don't let you know that yesterday was Thursday. Today it is Friday. Tomorrow is Saturday, and Sunday comes afterwards.

    Then why wear pants? You can't argue that it's for warmth, because they don't wear shirts.

    Correction. Conan's latest production to make it to air is Eagle Heart on Adult Swim. It's pretty damn funny.

    It's okay. I speak Spanish. His name means Brian of Palma.

    Don't forget the cast's embarrassed parents!

    Is "total balls" good or bad? I have trouble telling with Canadian accents.

    Just throwing my hat in the ring to say Wye Oak impress me more and more with each album. I've seen them three times and they are a phenomenal live act, too. Civilian is an instant classic and I'm excited at the potential for many new fans.

    I see that now, which is unfortunate. I guess I shouldn't read the headline and skip to the video.

    I'm calling it
    Ten year old William will be a future A.V. Club writer and/or commenter.

    A.V. Talk Tracks of the Damned
    DEFENDERS: Scott Tobias and Keith Phipps

    It could be worse: HaPpYtHaNkYoUmOrEpLeAsE