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    I'm playing devil's advocate here, but who do you consider to be the manliest American actor under 35?

    I'm sure there are a few movies that F. Murray Abraham doesn't like to talk about.

    It's okay, Sean
    It's not easy being mean.

    Actually, it's not. Actors star in movies all the time.


    I took the film at face value. Banksy says something like, "I told Thierry that since he liked filming street art so much, then he should do it himself." That right there shows that he's a bit of a puppet master, but I don't think he orchestrated Mr. Brain Wash as a runaway egomaniac who cares about commerce over

    Perhaps you're not ex-Treme enough.

    I did a search on the main page. It's not there.

    This seems as good of a place as any to ask…
    What happened to Videocracy?

    @GrantB, Thanks for the episode list. Season 6 (the final season) has some ridiculous episodes:

    Fuzzy Memories
    1. "Line, sinker, and hook" makes no sense in that order.
    2. I know Emmanuel Lewis is small, but there's no way a dozen helium balloons could lift him off the ground.
    3. If I win the lottery, I am building a secret passageway that goes from a hollowed-out grandfather clock to a secret room in the attic.

    The Runners Four and Milk Man are definitely the benchmarks. I enjoyed Offend Maggie (a/k/a the gentler side of Deerhoof), but I can't get into Vs. Evil. It's too breezy and hookless.

    I saw this trailer the other day and was surprised to see a pull-quote from Noel Murray's review.

    You beat me to it.
    "Hey, Larry. Darlene said you wanted to see me?"

    In all seriousness, Bob Balaban.

    My Favorite Onion Headline
    Taco Bell's Five Ingredients Combined In Totally New Way

    "Okay, this song is for the guy who keeps yelling from the balcony, and it's called We Hate You, Please Die."

    More admiration here. This is my new favorite "A Very Special Episode."

    The flaw in your theory is that somewhere in the world it's always after midnight.