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    God damn it!

    I had no idea. Where were you five months ago?

    He's sexily washing his desk to Def Leppard's "Pour Some Sugar on Me." Suds and wet hair flipping ensue.

    TBS could be funnier with a different (or no) voice overs.

    Well, don't you want to open your present?
    Open it.
    It's a gun rack.

    The Brain and Jock? That's half of Herman's Head.

    Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha.
    Whoops. I mean, Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga.
    Whoops. I mean, eat a dick, Phillip, 'K?

    Can you tell me more about the venue?
    I picture Vegas venues as being huge arenas. What kind of capacity does the Matador venue hold? Is there seating or is it standing room only?

    What was the beginning of the end?
    I blame Kurt Loder's Sex in the 90s.

    Rasil & Prof. Falken, I would like to defend my claim that TuxedoMonkey and others should see the original over the remake. True, I have not seen the remake, but the most interesting thing about the original to me was the ending. According to Tobias' review, that ending has been weakened so that is my main criteria

    My friend knows a woman whose name is spelled La-a but pronounced Ladasha, because "the dash isn't silent."

    Definitely the original. The climax mentioned in the review will stick with you.

    The latest Liars is indeed great, but the recent album from Women failed to impress me. I think their self-titled debut is one of the most underrated noise pop albums of the last five years, but the new one failed to capture that magic.

    Welcome back. B-.

    I agree with your 1st and 2nd place. 3rd should go to Mother… if it was released in 2010.

    Sir Osis, you are incorrect about this: "You know what NEVER goes down? Teacher benefits."

    And to continue the trend, it happened at the Scott Pilgrim screening that I attended in Atlanta.

    I think a movie with a gimmick like this needs different endings like the movie Clue, and the ending that your theater gets is luck of the draw.