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    I can't wait
    To see his pockmarked face on the big screen.

    I've never understood why successful filmmakers don't bankroll projects themselves. Joss Whedon can do great things especially with small budgets that he can afford (i.e. Dr. Horrible). It would seem like the financial reward for doing that would be so much greater. And there's that whole creative control aspect.

    She looks like Kelly LeBrock.

    Well I don't see a lot of pretty girls around him. Just Jorge Garcia.

    I don't think Penny Sparkle will grow on us. It's just boring. I'm a bigger fan of Blonde Redhead's angular rock, but I've enjoyed their recent softer side. With that said, this new album isn't even pretty; it's just boring. The drums might as well be MIDI files, and the vocals might as well be karaoke, because what

    Scott, according to my TIFF scoreboard (yep, that definitely exists) you are seeing worse films than Noel. How are you two divvying up the prospects?


    Didn't you hear? The AV Club knows little about sports.

    Randy Newman agrees.

    Do Tell
    How was the Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka cameo?

    Gone Baby Gone was unexpectedly great, so I have high hopes for The Town. It looks nice and meaty.

    So be it. Failed thirty-sies.

    If you think their intro is annoying, then stay away from seeing their collection on tour. They actually talk OVER the footage with lame quips (a la Bob Saget on Funniest Home Videos). I don't understand the problem with letting the videos speak for themselves.

    Strike two for Tobias.

    Citizen Christy, you are not alone. I grew up in central Florida. My sister and aunt worked (and still work) at Disney. This allowed me to visit the Magic Kingdom and Epcot (Eff MGM Studios) about fifty times in my life. I am all for updating rides, but Disney should open a Classic Kingdom for the nostalgic crowd.

    You're saying that adding Heather Locklear to the cast mid-season didn't work?

    That didn't make any sense, logically or conceptually.

    Silver Lining
    I downloaded the Lite version of Angry Birds, so I can see the movie for free as long as I leave after fifteen minutes.

    Scott Pilgrim has an 8.2/10 rating on IMDB which safely puts it on IMDB's top 250 list.