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    I wasn't planning to see Nanny McPhee, but I'm with you on Scott Pilgrim. I'm planning to see it again this weekend, because damn, that's one fun movie.

    Suprdeformed, I buy a lot of vinyl by contemporary indie artists. Here's my logic:

    Unrelated to Fockers, but…
    I get the feeling that Sean O'Neal turns the lights out at the AV Club office.

    Gray Talk, you've seen Dingleberries.

    I also thought it was a joke commercial during Childrens Hospital, a la the fake trailers in Grindhouse… which I guess are becoming real movies. Anyway, there was another fake commercial during an episode of Childrens Hospital starring Chris Elliot, so I assumed NTSF:SD:SUV was a similar one-off joke to fill 11

    I like him, too. I'm glad that he and McKay finally made a movie that wasn't about sports.

    Sam, I noticed that you didn't mention how funny Eva Mendes was in this movie. She was in Hitch, you know. Please correct your article.

    I second CAIDS. Efficiency, people.

    Just reading the title puts that moronic song in my head. I still can't believe that they wrote a serious rock song about a guy who plays the spoons. Did you hear that all his friends are Indian? All his friends are brown and red. Spoonman.

    I'll give you Kaitlin Olson, but the guy is clearly Arvind from Head of the Class.

    Nice one. That got a chuckle out of me.

    A Duck Conspiracy?!
    I cry fowl!

    The collection sounds fascinating. It has officially been added to the rental queue (short wait).

    Yeah! Why can't everybody watch movies at publicity screenings instead of waiting for it to come out on DVD? You're mucking up the system, poor people who don't follow hipster blogs!

    Let's agree to disagree
    I love Versus, but this new album should not have been recorded or released. The songs sound like they were put through a mediocre/generic filter. I felt embarrassed for the Baluyut(s) and Toups when I listened to this derivative mess.

    Rose McGowan's character in Machete has been cut by Robert Rodriguez for petty relationship reasons. SPOILER ALERT!: Rose originally shot Michelle Rodriguez's character in the movie, but now Don Johnson pulls the trigger after reshoots.

    I've got your back, Coldstream. Diane Wiest is great here. I was first introduced to her in Footloose, and she remains one of my favorite actresses today.

    Diminished Returns
    There is such a thing as being too prolific and he reached it in 1995.

    That sounds like quite an adventure… in… movie reference.

    I agree that the review is off. Mines isn't perfect, nor as good as Friend or Foe, but it's way better than a C+. TAOS and Oh Pretty Boy, You're Such a Big Boy are definitely my jams right now.