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    Photo Shop
    "There are chocolate fingerprints all over my photos."
    "Oh yeah? What kind of film do you use?"

    "Daddy, I'm dying."
    [Dad shrugs]

    My favorite detail of that skit is that the mayostard is vertically striped and competition's mustardoyannaise is horizontal. Then when they merge brands, the product is checkered.

    Sorry about that. My son clicked "Post" twice.



    Intentionally Ambiguous
    Noel, you wrote something(s) in your review of Buffy that is rather prescient, although I don't think you're aware of it. Come back to this review after you finish the season and give yourself a pat on the back.

    Odd Man Out
    I was raised in central Florida. My parents purchased seasonal passes to Disney every year, which cost about the same as three day visits. As a result, I've been to The Magic Kingdom about forty times in my life. It's a really great place, especially if you're under 18 and/or drinking. Anyway, The Haunted

    I'll wager that he'll rank somewhere between Thomas Pynchon and Albert Brooks.

    "[insert celebrity name]! What are you doing in Springfield?"

    "Hello, Mr. Thompson."
    [stomps on foot]

    Lone Audience, your description could also apply to Harmony Korine.

    I've got your back. Nothing wrong with Grizzly Bear, but In Ear Park is a better album than Grizzly Bear's best album.

    Redundant Game Title
    I'll probably still play it. Time to go to the ATM: Automated Teller Machine.

    Abraham Benrubi
    I think you mean "best known as Kubiak on Parker Lewis Can't Lose."

    Another prediction: The "devil" will be the first person who "dies."

    Nice! Follow up question: Did you eat the Frosty with a spoon or did you let it melt a little bit and then drink it with a straw?

    What size Frosty did you get?

    The pose of the guy on the bottom right is ridiculous. What emotion/act was he going for? Because to me it looks like, "Here, I got you some air."

    75/85 South
    Downtown Atlanta at :49