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    I like books. I just hate titles.
    I hate that publishers encourage titles with colons. It makes everything sound like a shitty Lifetime Movie. If Harper Lee published today, they'd call her book To Kill a Mockingbird: One Child's Tale of Justice and Innocence Lost. Next time dare to fight the man, Nathin,

    I blame that jerk Harold. He wants Claudette to give him a share of her house.Well, she won't let him! Now the value of the house is going up, he's seeing dollar signs.

    Wrong, Samalamadingdong. The gag in "Skinless in Seattle" of the Space Needle falling into the middle of Scratchy's eyeball is a gutbuster.

    Picking a favorite Simpsons quote is like picking your favorite word of the English language. With that said, this exchange between Marge and Homer (who missed work to peddle Farmer Homer's Sugar) never fails to make me laugh out loud:

    Two words: Jon Lovitz

    Serious Omission
    Get a Life - The one where Chris and his dad are trapped in a build-it-yourself submarine.

    Wayne needs a haircut
    He's looking more Phil Spector-ish every day.

    Japheth Dury, it's not much of a spoiler. The film opens with the real life plaque that memorializes the men who died. I will however spoil for you how they died… in the Perfect Storm!

    Sh**'s not crazy. It's a miracle.

    Well said
    This album is fantastic.

    Ernest movies are something my body needs anyway.

    5) To the viewer it looks like Ben is siding with Smokey, but could it be to protect everyone else via walkie talkie? The show made a point of showing the walkie talkie exchange to us. Maybe Miles finds the cave of Adam and Eve and hears Adam and Eve talking. He could tell Smokey via walkie talkie what his former dead

    Crazy Ass Theories
    I've got so many crazy ass theories and there's only one episode left. There's no way they're going to wrap things up neatly.

    Anytime Jerri wore her Air Force jumpsuit in the show, I pictured her sweating so bad in there. That can't be good on a show where you need to stay hydrated.

    The internet won't be complete until the 33 minute Hydro is accessible via YouTube.

    Yes. Do you have any gum?

    B Grade is generous
    Plants & Animals took my least favorite elements of Parc Avenue (an album that I love) and ran with them. Repetitive lyrics. Hippie jams that go nowhere. The album is just kind of blah. I will concede that there are some sparkling moments, like when 80s-style saxophones emerge, but the rest of the

    The worst aspect of the third movie is that they killed off the little girl in the opening credits.

    Commentor Charles Widless, I think the writers are covering all of their bases. Like the writers of The Bible. Stuff contradicts other stuff, but whatever morsels you want to believe, it's in there.

    "All entertainment will be vaguely MacFarlane-related."
    I like to think that McFarlane and Tyler Perry will consume all media in a good vs. evil battle for the world.