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    It was definitely second season. The inventor was nominated for invention of the year on the season finale.

    What happened is that Anna Chlumsky was the one who gave a breakthrough performance in Gold Diggers: The Secret of Bear Mountain.

    Intentional Copy?
    This is extremely similar to a segment on the BBC comedy series, Look Around You, where a scientist sticks electrodes into fruit and vegetables to produce an orchestra.

    I suspect that Violent J looks like Guy Fieri without makeup.

    For what it's worth, the users who capable of an informative conversation are the ones that I make an effort to read. I usually skim the zingers.

    You and Bill Frist.

    Gene Shalit Shitty Zinger Thread
    "You'll be dragon your whole family to see it!"

    Each movie had a different killer who wore the same ridiculous outfit. Since we have Scream Halloween masks in the real world, the 2nd and 3rd movie take advantage of that. Again, completely. Fucking. Stupid.

    Rev, that was beautiful.

    Scram 3 SPOILERS for Clueless Neophyte.

    Sort of. He just likes blowing up cars that happen to contain spies.

    The Legacy of Will Oldham
    In another generation, will Will Oldham's body of work be as revered as Tom Waits for his unique voice and maintaining a counterculture aesthetic? Or will Will Oldham be compared more to Bob Dylan for being prolific with a high percentage of quality songs?

    If a person doesn't watch American Idol, does that make him more or less informed?

    SPOILERS!!! (from Wikipedia)

    I will never see this movie, so please feel free to tell me how it ends.

    It's not Lorne so much as Seth Meyers. That guy is a terrible head writer. His skit are nothing but pop culture references from twenty years ago.