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    SBTB Watch
    It took me a second to place her, but the woman who plays Tanya was Alex on Saved By The Bell: The College Years.

    They made that for $300? Surely the cost of the software isn't factored into the figure. Regardless, that was an impressive short film for a hobbyist. I bought a case of beer for $25 and look where that got me.

    I'm going to make a prediction that Brimley's character dies at the end, and it's revealed that he put a kooky clause in his will that Grant and Parker enter the Kentucky Derby.

    By the way, that's not make up on SJP. It's forty years of cigarette tar.

    It's official.
    I've added this to the rental queue. Let's meet back here in six months to discuss.

    I like to think that the staff at MTV is youthful because Kurt Loder must drink the blood of three college interns daily to appease Satan (and maintain a semi-hard erection). For what it's worth, I would like to throw Kurt Loder's name into the hat for Interviews That I Would Love To Read on the AV Club. I get the

    I've lived in Atlanta for twelve years and can confirm that they do exist. They're usually referred to as Craft Fairs, but the goods are typically Christmas-themed or suitable for Christmas presents. In fact, I went to one downtown a few weeks ago. Unfortunately there was a $5 cover.

    "I'm sooooo booooored."

    Okay, then. Count me in.

    No studio would bury a film that premieres in December. It's prime real estate for award season. The movie is having a limited release right now and you'll probably see more advertisements when it opens for wide release on January 15th.

    Twenty years in the making
    I'm intrigued to see this film based on Herzog's dream shot that was mentioned in the Michael Shannon interview. I'm curious, Noel. Did that one shot (filmed in China) work in the context of the movie?

    America the Tastemaker
    "…top-selling digital song of the decade … 'Boom Boom Pow' at #4 (4,349,000)"

    Don't call Meryl Streep lifesaver. Call her shithead.

    Party at the Willards
    The Food Network had a program a few years ago where they featured a Fourth of July party that Fred Willard and his wife throw every year. It looked like a blast. Hamburgers and hot dogs are grilled and consumed. Fred wears a tie with stars and stripes. It looked like a blast.

    Cherry Quote
    From the article:
    Mr. Cruikshank said he did not model the character on anyone in particular and doesn't give a whole lot of thought to the process. "I just took how kids act in that age group and exaggerated it by 100 percent," he said.

    Shearer failed to receive the memo about blue shirts and blazers. He looks like The Joker in that interview.

    I watched the shit out of that Coupon Mom video!

    Bernice, my local Barnes & Noble has a graphic novel section that's bigger than the travel section, so I don't think Noel's comment is a joke.

    True, I won't be seeing this, but…
    I think you have to give the movie credit for parodying The Sea Inside, the movie starring Javier Bardem about a quadriplegic who who fought for his right to die.