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    I think Leonard Pierce is one to watch.

    No, left nuts signed it, too.

    Bender's Big Score was bad.

    As a man with a pregnant wife, you're not crazy (exactly) but I don't think the difference in palate would be substantial. The challenge was to cater an event for 150 people. With a crowd that size, you're bound to have a wide range of tastes.

    "Next week you'll see plenty of love for Children Of Men on this site."

    Why does popular music have to be about bravado? What do artists get out of bragging about how they're #1 or asking listeners "Did you miss me?" Music is not a competition, so it angers me when performers treat their product like it's a campaign. I am so tired of Jennifer Lopez playing the Bronx card. If she

    The Cell.

    Jonah Hill aside, I did appreciate that the writers gave Lisa a backbone. Watching her constantly demean Bart and friend as "losers" was the highlight of the episode for me.

    Glad to hear that it's not just me who thinks so.

    Not only is Cameron Diaz overpaid…
    But I bet she totally has the worst breath. You can just tell.

    Sounds like Insomniac with Dave Atell
    … but during the day time and not in bars.

    I saw it five, count 'em, five times in the theater. That's a Jay record and one of my proudest accomplishments.

    You know who would enjoy that? Mayan Bialik.

    Precious: Based on Your Schadenfreude

    From the playbook
    Exploiting women's bodies is really more of a Tyra thing.

    John Smith
    John Smith from this American Life is the greatest hour of television I've ever seen. I am so happy to see it on the list. The introduction montage is beautiful and choked me up without even saying a word.

    Soulcracker had a terrible song with an unfortunate title that I still use as a punchline to this day: 16 oz. of Domestic Violence.

    Bands on the Run
    Nice list, Noel. I still consider VH1's Bands on the Run one of the most entertaining competition shows of the decade.