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    Other things that Jonathan did…
    He created the Internet, writes best-sellers, leads the USA Women's Soccer team to victory in the World Cup Finals, and is a spokesperson for Nike.

    Prediction for Top Three Finalists
    I haven't learned anybody's names yet:

    Not many people know this, but the 15th floor actually lacks a floor.

    The brothers are doing it for Zoe.

    Malcolm Spellman. Read the article.

    Robuttnik, for extra credit watch Warhol's Empire on fast forward. It'll only take four hours that way.

    You beat me to it, Warren. Love the train dancing at the end.

    Comin' up next on The Violence Channel: An all-new "Ow, My Balls!"

    And what's the deal with airplane peanuts? The bag is so small you can't even open it!

    Noel, your next Buffy episode is Superstar. In the event that you typically skip past Buffy's opening credits, I wanted you to know that it's in your best interest to watch them during Superstar.

    Title Organization
    Crackle.com should hire me to reorganize their titles so that all the movies that start with "The" aren't filed under the T section.


    At least Cameron had enough sense to not show Michelle Rodriguez in the trailer.

    Put your money where your mouth is
    How much would you pay to eat each chef's four course meal? For me:

    The output of food from the finalists was magnificent. Definitely the best episode that I've ever seen, and the comparison to Big Night is perfect.

    Guido, you took the words right out of my mouth. Spot on Yukon.

    It's cool, Tuxedo. I should have linked to the YouTube clip(s) earlier. I've been watching the movie for the past hour. I'm completely enthralled by the performances all over again, especially when band members walk in a single file line while the drummer is stuck in the corner.

    Velvety, you hit the nail on the head. A YouTube search confirms that the movie that I was looking for is Pop Gear. Thank you! I know what I'll be watching until it's time to leave work.

    Ask The AV Club… Comment Board
    I've saw Urgh! once about 15 years ago and couldn't remember the name of it to watch again, so thanks for that.