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    Black Cop/White Cop
    "One does the duty; the other gets the booty!"

    Next stop on the Unnecessary Sequel Train:
    The Whole Eleven Yards & Stakeout 3.

    You should be smart like Noel and work from home.

    It's Electric
    The moment when Willow and Tara hold hands to move the vending machine is sublime. That exchange gives me chills. Much like in DePalma's Raising Cain when Jenny follows who she thinks is Waldheim to a motel, but it's actually Carter/Cain.

    You missed a spot
    Don't forget Karl's hilarious stint as MC Rove during the 2007 Radio & Television Correspondents' Association Dinner.

    Recap of the recap
    Last night's episode was one of the best Top Chef episodes I've seen. I'm unsure what Scott didn't like that made him deduct half of a letter grade. The episode had it all: humility, yelling, strategy, Fabio, and incredible looking food.

    Initiative Observation
    Here's one continuity error that always bugged me. At the start of the season, the Initiative wear ski masks when in public. But once the audience is shown who was under those masks, the Initiative never goes back to hiding their identity.

    October 16th

    Gentle Herpes, if you've never read Where The Wild Things Are and you've never watched Saved By The Bell, what books and programs did you watch growing up?

    Look, Amelie's been studying all night for the SAT so she can get into Stanford.

    I get the feeling that 100% the "sexual escapades" of the cast involved that guy who played Rod Belding.

    I saw a clip from the movie where Yi interviewed the children on the playground, and I had a problem with her interviewing skills. Granted, they're kids so they're going to babble nonsense no matter what question she asked them. But she basically strings them along to get the result that she wants.

    Fat Screech
    The "Fat Screech" reference is real. On Showalter's comedy album he tells a story about how a man on the street mistaken confuses Showalter for Dustin Diamond.

    Ain't We Lucky We Got 'Em
    This sounds like a fun show, but I worry that TV Land is heading down the same path as MTV and will eventually negate their intended purpose.

    Also, it's the only place where I can find 1/4" to 1/8" cable adapters.

    Everything must be accessible to everybody at all times. Phipps' words have now become the law.

    Somewhere in America, Emilio Estevez is smiling.

    About time.
    Paula added nothing to the show. Over time, she'll realize this when future contestants receive actual criticism based on their talent and not their aura.

    Donna, you hit the nail on the head. Maura Tierney is adorable when interviewing the children on the White House lawn. "Well that is a pretty egg!" [splat]. It's funny that the White House would hide unboiled eggs.

    Agreed. Goodman was a great supporting actor in Always. He also stole Arachnophobia.