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    Speaking of Bait & Switch…
    What happened to the Manic Pixie Dream Girl Edition of Dispatches featuring Watching The Detectives and Sassy Girl?

    They can say it because Disney puts all of their eggs in Pixar's basket.

    October 30, 2007
    Didn't Noel already review this movie (and its ten sequels) last year?

    That T.A.T.U. movie trailer is easily the worst movie trailer that I've ever seen. Absolutely torturous. I look forward to reading I Watched This On Purpose: You & I.

    That T.A.T.U. movie trailer is easily the worst movie trailer that I've ever seen. Absolutely torturous. I look forward to reading I Watched This On Purpose: You & I.

    Worst Simpsons Joke of the Night
    Macaulay Culkin

    "…the designated spokesperson usually appears to have wondered in…"

    Thanks, Josh. I'm glad that the hooker didn't insist that Pacino wear a condom or else she might have died for nothing.

    Follow up question.

    "…and plant Pacino's sperm in them"
    Wait. What? You can't just gloss over that, Modell.

    Actually, his wife played the role of Mike Seaver's girlfriend (Kate) on the latter seasons of Growing Pain. The two appeared together in the Growing Pains reunion movie a few years ago. Sadly, the executives at ABC only allowed the boring ol' missionary position to be filmed.

    Fresh Blood
    I think another reason why Gas Crisis was successful is because it introduced a new character for the crew to bring into the gutter. Had the repeatedly damaged car on the street belonged to a McPoyle rather than the golf-watching man, it wouldn't have been as funny.

    Forget Keaton.
    The announcer in that trailer is just awful. Is that guy the best that Hollywood could find after the passing of Don LaFontaine? He's got a voice for telegraph.

    My Expert Opinion
    This review is a contender for greatest A.V. Club article ever written. Mr. Rabin, you continue to raise the bar.

    I'll read the words you wrote…
    "Hello, fellow American. This you should vote me. I leave power. Good. Thank you. Thank you. If you vote me, I am hot. What? Taxes. They'll be lower, son. The democratic vote for me is the right thing to do, Philadelphia. So do."

    I'm Calling It
    Future viewing of The Women will be assigned to Tasha Robinson for "I Watched This On Purpose."

    Agreed. I appreciate that they didn't take the "lemon party" route for Cloud 9. "Old people fucking" is much more resonant.

    "I don't give a shit where the stuff I love comes from. I just love the stuff I love. — Do you like Angelina Jolie? Does she give you a big boner? Well, here's John Voight's ball sack."

    Summers This Fall
    That review was like crack in text form. I felt like I just watched the two hours of TV in a five minute period. I am so pumped up right now! I think you would be doing all of us and yourself a favor by reviewing Season 3 before December.

    Bang up job as always, Donna.