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    From Billy Bush's Wikipedia Page
    His carefree or careless attitude has sometimes backfired. For example, he was criticized for beginning a live interview with Naomi Watts at the Academy Awards with "Watts up?" The host, Billy Crystal, called him "the most annoying man in show business."[1]. He has been called the

    Oh, I get it. I get jokes.
    David Zucker is credited for the quote about David Zucker?

    When Spike stood up from the wheelchair, it made my adrenaline kick in. You just know some stuff is going to go down in the finale!

    Aside from an unnecessary May-December romance, it is good. Plus, the cat-and-mouse dialogue is fun.

    I concur. The S5 episode is Buffy's gut-wrenching pinnacle, yet I still watch the episode when it's on because even though it makes me sad, I get something out of it. The series finale also has a gut-wrenching moment that breaks my heart mostly due to the brevity of the scene. All of a sudden a character is gone and

    Admit it, Noel…
    …You're enjoying Buffy more than you thought you would.

    I always suspected [audio:83486] was an AV Club conspiracy.

    Watching The Watcher
    These batch of episodes are the ones that I've been waiting patiently for you to review. I had a theory that nobody could speak poorly of the plot or humor in "Surprise" or "Innocence," and it looks like Donna is proof that my theory is indeed science fact.

    Forget it, Amelie.
    It's Chinatown.

    You beat me to it, Spicoli. I was going to make the same point about Ritter on an upcoming TV Club Buffy.

    Vampire Rules
    "Halloween" is a great example of the Buffy writers throwing a vampire cliche on its ear. The rule that Halloween is the one day each year in which vampires don't come out is logical, fresh, and it gives the show uncharted territory to explore in future seasons. Can someone refresh my memory as to why

    JGabriel, I interpreted Noel's question the same as you, but I disagree that it's a throwaway line. It references a huge plot point to come. I have faith that writers knew what they were doing.

    Well said, Sara.

    A Few Thoughts
    * "…a TV in the lounge, playing Porky Pig cartoons, smeared with a single bloody handprint."

    My Imagination at Work
    When I read a TV Review written by Noel or Donna, I always picture him or her folding clothes while watching the show.

    Master Plan
    The original members of Kiss will never stop milking this cow. After New Kiss on the Block fails to win America's heart, that's when the original members reform Kiss Classic, and the Medicaid crowd goes wild.

    Great recap, Noel. I agree that Blais will win, but instead of skating by Stephanie, he'll probably grab her hand and pull her along for the ride. He loves giving other chefs the credit they deserve. Case in point: after the judges selected the final four, Blais gave Lisa a verbal pat-on-the-back and said, "Nice

    To Quote The Onion…
    The Secret To Spielberg's Success: Monsters & Jews

    Stray Observations
    * Why was Paula dancing to a George Michael ballad?

    This sounds an awful lot like It's Garry Shandling Show.