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    Post-Popless Purchases
    Are you maintaining a list of albums to purchase or download when your experiment is over? If so, I would love to know how you rank them without having heard them. Would the bands that you trust (i.e. Hold Steady) take precedence over the next big thing (i.e. Vampire Weekend)?

    Padma's Dress
    I know it's a cooking show, but how could you not mention the dress that Padma wore to the wedding?! That should have been the + to your A.

    jx2cliff (if that is your real name),

    Sort of Related
    Anthony Bourdain reminds me of 1970's Elliot Gould.

    ANDREW: Then I put some rice in a food processor and used it to bread the chicken.
    ART: It's crunchy.
    ANDREW: That makes sense.

    Hadn't seen this mentioned yet
    Michael considers hooking up with Meredith and asks Jim if she would keep her mouth shut?

    Whenever someone mentions hipster, I think of the Simpsons exchange below…

    Amelie, when can we expect your rant about that celebrity magician show, Celebracadabra? Every time you update, I cross my fingers that there's a juicy post about C. Thomas Howell sawing a woman in half, but so far there's been zero hate. Please give the people (me) what they paid (nothing) to see!

    Good call, Donna. The fake idol was CLASSIC. I can't believe Jason is that dense.

    Crack an Egg of Knowledge
    "So I bid her farewell, and look forward to hearing what kind of album someone with such a big pop voice and such a gritty rock sensibility will make."

    Primer Timelines
    For those of you who have seen the movie, here are the EIGHT timelines in Primer. Warning: reading this will make your head explode…

    Or if Leticia didn't have a puppeteer pulling her from the eyebrows.

    My Stray Observations
    * Aside from Joe, I felt that the geeks looked the same after their makeover. Matt could have been a home run if they just got the guy some contact lenses. Grr. If only Jim could have stayed around for a shave and a haircut. Two bits.

    Another Potential Answer
    Another possible music video that the first asker could be referring to is Reel Big Fish "Everything Sucks." It can be found here:
    As you'll see it's the same formula as the Superchunk video (band attempting to make a music video with the record company's money, and

    I love that the reviewers' entries are chronologically woven together. For next year's festival, I would like to see a map of the paths traveled, like those Family Circus strips of Jeffy gallivanting around the neighborhood.

    Well Done
    Excellent new feature. I really enjoyed your enthusiasm in this review, Josh. Will you be writing all of the IWTOP reviews?

    Two Things Worth Mentioning
    1) Just after David Hernandez performed, the judges' mics were brought up and you can hear Simon quip to Paula, "I wonder if he'd strip to that." I rewound to confirm that I heard it correctly. It's there.

    I'm glad to read your nod to Chavez. They are/were a very underrated band.

    I've had it up to here with Randy Jackson
    There's a reason that viewers and contestants respect Simon's opinion; because he tells it like it is. In my mind Simon is right 95% of the time, but regardless of whether or not you agree with him, Simon is there to judge.

    Claire-inspired Stray observations
    * Jason Castro will be in top twelve for sure. His "aw, shucks" alone puts him under the radar. Plus, he plays an instrument and women will get lost in his eyes.