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    "Dance fans too young to remember Grease."
    I'm sure when Grease came out, a reviewer scoffed at dance fans too young to remember Shall We Dance starring Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers.

    Ever underpsyched
    Scott Marshall should stop directing and go back to rocking the bass like a thunderstick for Chavez.

    Nail Head, Nice To Meet You
    I finally figured out why this season of auditions seems lackluster. None of the bad singers are defensive about their audition. It used to add a genuine believability to the process. If a delusional singer really believed that he or she had a gift, and Simon told him or her otherwise

    I'm with you, Lazertron.

    I accept your resignation and look forward to your lack of future comments.

    You're all wrong
    The best line was when Tracy said he needed Kenneth to help him tell white people apart.

    Hear, hear. I also feel like The Simpsons is on the rise. Great things happen when a show like that goes outside of its comfort zone.

    From A. Aaronson to Z. Zykowski
    I once listened to all my CDs from A to Z without repetitions and it took FOREVER. Noel, this project is extremely ambitious and I am on your side. I hope you address what happens if your wife buys a new album. Would she have to listen to it on headphones? Also, are concerts off-limits?

    You are totally on point about the filler in this episode. I noticed it, too, in the form of these types of exchanges…

    The Answer To Your Question
    When was the last time you watched a sex comedy and found yourself thinking, "Wow! I'm laughing uproariously and I have a raging erection! This movie rawks!"

    This leak comes from IMDB so take it with a grain of salt. The ten former Survivor contestants appearing on next season's Fans vs Favorites are:

    Amanda and Denise didn't vote out Todd, because they both know that Todd would not win the million dollars if they went up against him.

    It doesn't even matter that there's a writers' strike, because the script writes itself.

    Actually, it's Lamas. Show some resourcefulness.

    press junket goes bye-bye
    This makes a lot of sense to me, since Ferrell can't pitch his movie on talk shows due to the writers' strike. He's basically turning a lemon into lemonade. People can argue whether or not Ferrell has still got it, but it's nice to know that he can rely on his creativity to get a message out.

    With an E
    JC Penney.

    C is right
    You're completely on point, Claire. The only thing you forgot to mention was Nicole's inability to put on a fake smile for the camera.

    Just here to help
    "How will the writers strike AFFECT me?" Not EFFECT me.

    Yet another example of the Jeanne Tripplehorn kiss of death.
    I love you. I just don't love the choices that you make.

    jean robert's third-person arrogance
    My favorite Jean Robert part was when Eric told him that James had both immunity idols. Then when Jean Robert confronted James, he said "No one told me. Who else but Jean Robert could figure that out?"