
It's even simpler than that. The TARDIS can be opened with a snap of the fingers… unless it's locked.

As a whole, perhaps the episode lacked suspense, but tragedies are only tragic due to the audience's foresight. When the narrative is also able to spin the tragedy into comic territory, then it's doubly effective. For my part, the sequence where the brawn tribe was entirely unable to throw the challenge due to the

Well, having the immunity idol means that nobody else has it, so whether or not it directly benefits you, it's an advantage to have it.

The during-credits and after-credits scenes are interesting. At the (pre-credits) end of the movie, I felt like they'd just undercut whatever good will the movie had generated. The mid-credits scene felt like the Marvel-movie Easter egg which would normally have gone at the end of the movie, which suggested to me

Can anyone help me identify the character who appears about 40 seconds in with his back to the camera, facing David Tennant?

I know not of this Arrested Development "Wee Britain" set, but it's very likely the same one as the quaint Belarus streets Coulson was wandering through, because that's absolutely the Universal backlot. Once you know what it looks like, you can spot it in TV shows easily. Whedon fans will also recognize it in

I feel like the Crispin's Day speech in the Hollow Crown version is fine in isolation.  It's a different take on what is traditionally a huge, rousing speech.  I like a lot of what Hiddleston and the other actors do with it.
However, in context it didn't feel like an artistic choice at all, but a budgetary one.  It

"Except for Keanu Reeves in MUCH ADO. Seriously, fuck that shit."

"Malcolm is a far superior player to Candice."

Just listening to it now- So far, so good!  So far as timing is concerned, I just like hearing good analysis and strategy talk, so I'm good with quality over quantity.

What's interesting about Candice is that she's indirectly responsible for Ozzy's Survivor career.  It's possible that, without the Cook Islands mutiny, Penner would still be a memorable character and have been invited back for future seasons.  However, at the time of the mutiny episode, Ozzy was at the bottom of the

Likewise, I found the religious imagery to be very effective.  It's not out of place, with Richard's assertions of Divine Right again and again.  Given that the usurpers defy that "right" soundly, the imagery in the production seems to me sharply ironic.  It's a nasty case of getting what one wished for.

There's a long interview with him on Kevin Pollak's Chat Show which is utterly amazing.  Normally, Pollak does little things in the middle of his interviews, like talk about Twitter and whatnot, just to keep things flowing, but with Weller, he could barely get a word in edgewise.  Weller just keeps going, talking

It's true that the Universal lot suffered a major fire in 2008, but the courthouse survived largely undamaged, so the most important part of the Back to the Future set on the lot is not a replica.

For me, it was an acquired taste, and when I praise the band, I'm talking mostly about the first album.  Tin Machine II has a pair of songs I really enjoy, but as an album, the first is much more satisfying.  I especially enjoy the crunching sounds from Reeves Gabrels's guitar.  It's Bowie, so it's all artifice and

Tin Machine is, as has already been said, great.

They have put out three trade paperback volumes of "Alpha Flight Classic" which covers the whole Byrne run and an issue or so of Mantlo.

"Movies with too many heroes tend to get overstuffed and baggy."

In HvV, the movie was the classic version of "Treasure Island," but it was kind of overshadowed by Danielle and Amanda's fight.  The best part is Colby lying on the bed, trying not to get drawn into the fight, drawling, "C'mon, guys, I'm tryin' ta watch 'Treasure Island'…"  You don't get the feeling he actually cares

That particular dance is known as "the rooty-tooty fresh 'n fruity" by the show's producers.