The Gauntlet

I am totally with you ET. Nobody else I know liked it, mostly because they wanted a hip-hop album and therefore treated it as a complete failure. I see it more as a "hip-pop" record and viewed that way I think it's a triumph.

Don't Haunt This Place
Is a really solid track, held together by some pretty rad drumming.

Seriously dude, don't disparage the boot or I'll have to tell the Prime Minister.

Agreed. We do not bring the funny.

Yes Harbinger. I wish we'd come up with them, although we'd have called them The Chazwazzas.

In a thread last week or the week before a couple of us non-Americans were discussing a film and mbs threw in a "oh, you have to see it, add it to your netflix list" or words to that effect. I had to point out that we don't have netflix, or anything like it, really.

ba - I know!

Wolf - yes, you're right. Should have proofread.

I agree about the earlier albums. Soviet Kitsch remains my favourite. This is a pretty solid album though. I disagree about the production though, I think it's much more forceful on "Far", although maybe it's just the material.

Dude, how long have you been here now? It's "vegemite". And it's not that bad, you just have to apply it sparingly.

This, in my opinion, is her cutest clip. Try to watch this without developing a massive crush:

Fucking disturbing indeed. I actually think I try to dissociate the video from the song, because the song really was so good, but the video was a bit freaky for my young self. Yes, I am a pussy.

I absolutely hated it the first time I saw it. Then absolutely loved it the second time I saw it. So I think my average is "meh".

I must have watched Cannonball Run II about 40 times as a 6 or 7 year old. I'm pretty sure we taped it at some point, lord knows why. When my friends were looking for some truly terrible movies to watch a few months ago I gave them as much of a synopsis as a could, and they determined it sounded too awful to watch.

Oh Riff, Pilgrim, Ellie's fine. It was truthful (I hope), and well executed.

Wolfmother did break up. Andrew Stockdale got to keep the name and added new members. That's the last that I heard.

jennn - just had a listen to their myspace. Excellent recommendation. I even called one of our Grizzly Bear loving interns into my office to compare the two bands.

Bat For Lashes
Has a runaway lead for my favourite album of the year so far.

Zookeeper, zookeeper! Those two monkeys are killing each other!

I think it would be hard to accurately depict a trial on film, because for the most part they're so tedious. Even dramatic trials are weighed down by procedure.