The Gauntlet

Only in America…
None of this shit would fly if the lawyers had to stand behind a bench and wear a wig.

I found a bunch of teddy bears having a picnic.

I really wish someone would show that prehistoric bitch how we do things downtown…

Riff - Yes, it's meant to be chicken marinated in soy and honey. There's no direct link to the flavour, but they're on here:

Weird. I didn't realise the flavours were so region-specific.

I don't think Andy K was hating anyway. From memory he posted once in that thread and it got totally drowned out by the 40 mbs comments on either side.

TWfS - spot on.

JVS - I believe you're referring to "Time To Pretend", which was the first single from the Oracular Spectacular album.

So am I, mbs. So am I.

mbs - I'm going to assume that Warren is in Australia, given his avatar is a picture of our previous Prime Minister flipping the bird.

Bacon up that sausage, boy!

Sooty Sans Sweep - I'll pick some up next time I'm there to snowboard, cause you know we have absolutely no useful snow over here. Definitely cheaper than my next trip to the States, which probably won't be until October/November.

Divine is not an adjective that I would ordinarily use. It's a bootable offence. Can I just say they're delicious and they're something I always remember to grab a few packs of when I'm in North America?

And yet the peanut butter/chocolate combination is practically impossible to find in Australia. We don't have ANY freely available candy (that is such a weird word for me to use) that has that flavour combo.

Ha. I honestly wasn't trying for one. And I admitted my first and only failed firstie as recently as last week, so you can totally trust me.

Wordy - are you thinking of SuperTed?

…is when you're more than famous. This man, El Guapo, he's not just famous; he's INfamous.

…and a pull quote.

Sugartits - if you were replying to me, yes that really is his name.

I actually watched I [Heart] Huckabees for the second time the night the "What pop art didn't you get the first time?" article was posted. I couldn't stand it the first time, but in the spirit of that article I decided to watch it again. And I loved it. I don't know what's going on. But I'll have much more positive