The Beard

ha! or wes anderson… goddamn that would be a disaster-

so who directs? spike?… 'cause you know Miles would lose his mind if a white man directed his much deserved hagiography…

Well, both PE and X-Clan were musically interesting- and sometimes preachy… but as far as 'today's hip hop' goes, it's hard to sort through any pop culture and find depth, to say nothing of innovation…

"Nah, it’s not preachy. It’s boring." … word-

you gotta Goa for what ya know

Cartoonist Krent Able of the UK's 'Stool Pigeon' music zine
doodles a believable Nick Cave…

the exact same thing happened to me for the exact same song… but fuck them, if they can't get goosebumps when they hear Blixa whisper: 
"…when the world's on fire, with the burning flesh of men…",
then they have no soul…AND I'm going to whistle along to their Cake or whatever and change the lyrics to nothing but

Strange list, Mr Heller… missing many of my favourite Cave moments:
> Mutiny!/The Bad Seed - The Birthday Party
> From Her to Eternity - Bad Seeds
> Let Love In - Bad Seeds
> Murder Ballads - Bad Seeds
> Dig Lazarus Dig - Bad Seeds

…he also hosted a cooking show, no joke, on CBC years ago…

I think the whole gang's taking night classes…

Yes! … but this show had been great at veering away from its set-ups in surprising ways…

no,no, I'm just being a prick. I think this show is especially intelligent (and clearly so are you) but the Odyssey allusion stretches thin as Walt is no hero in the classic sense, and the show, to me, would beg a more vernacular idiom, like, say, 'shit-struggle'. Carry on!

"He foists off Hank’s field-trip enthusiasm and turns to Jesse, his weapon of choice, to extract himself from in between Scylla and Charybdis."
Woof! I know you tooled with it, looked at the clock and said: "Fuck it, it's Homer, it's fucking Homer…", finished your scotch, and posted… but- it's a bit… oh what's the word…

I'm feeling that the cancer's back… Walt's sarcasm and stare-down with Mike, his paranoid insistence on the elimination of Fring, apathy towards family… other than his protection of Hank (the only character with any noble intentions, instinctual though they may be), Walt is in that dark place that Jesse was/is in:

two down…

that non-sequitur short/shot at the end of Pontypool was something the actors and director improvised, and felt it was
interesting enough to throw in at the end… Fido? I liked Fido, but certainly didn't love it… but it did do an admirable job of keeping its one-joke conceit, erm, alive for the whole movie…

Yes! Pontypool… brilliant re-thinking of the epidemic AND zombie siege scenario… 
never seen- what was it?- [REC]?

(stands at attention, salutes, shoots self in head)

^ ach! beaten to it…