Come On Amarth

Japandroids: I like the first few songs. A lot. And then it all blurs into a samey mush.

Japandroids: I like the first few songs. A lot. And then it all blurs into a samey mush.

Don't sleep on "guilty pleasure." It's the diplomatic immunity for shit taste.
If you like something be a man/woman about it.

Don't sleep on "guilty pleasure." It's the diplomatic immunity for shit taste.
If you like something be a man/woman about it.

You'd be the right person to ask this. Estelle's album is making some smallish waves. Any good? I heard "Breeeeezy" on the second track and shut it down immediately.

You'd be the right person to ask this. Estelle's album is making some smallish waves. Any good? I heard "Breeeeezy" on the second track and shut it down immediately.

Exactly. My opinion diverges slightly. The first album got too much praise and the second one too little. I don't really see them as albums but a collection of singles. The first one had some fantastic ones and the second one, not as many. Also, fucking extended intro for fuck's sake. Someone shoot their drug dealer

Exactly. My opinion diverges slightly. The first album got too much praise and the second one too little. I don't really see them as albums but a collection of singles. The first one had some fantastic ones and the second one, not as many. Also, fucking extended intro for fuck's sake. Someone shoot their drug dealer

On iPhone it's wall-to-wall. As god intended it to be.

On iPhone it's wall-to-wall. As god intended it to be.

Wouldn't that be buttmeg?

Wouldn't that be buttmeg?

See them live if you can. That lady can belt out a tune.
Also Royal Thunder.

See them live if you can. That lady can belt out a tune.
Also Royal Thunder.

That person should have been yelled at from the get go. Torche is boss. Kiss me dudely is boss. Bringing aural gonorrhea into Torche discussion is not acceptable.

That person should have been yelled at from the get go. Torche is boss. Kiss me dudely is boss. Bringing aural gonorrhea into Torche discussion is not acceptable.

I hate you in the most loving way.

I hate you in the most loving way.

Was your mom a real estate agent? Was your dad an overqualified burger flipper? Were your neighbors gay?

Was your mom a real estate agent? Was your dad an overqualified burger flipper? Were your neighbors gay?