Come On Amarth

I wish they cut down on the weirdness quotient this time. Silent Shout and Fever Ray got it just right. The jungle-opera sound of Tomorrow, In a Year was too out there for me.

I wish they cut down on the weirdness quotient this time. Silent Shout and Fever Ray got it just right. The jungle-opera sound of Tomorrow, In a Year was too out there for me.

Indian classical musicians are sort of like blues-jazz musicians. They get better as they get older. I saw him live a couple times and he was pretty great.Most people only know his daughters' musical output, but his nephew Ananda Shankar made some fantastic balls-out trippy music in the 70s.

Indian classical musicians are sort of like blues-jazz musicians. They get better as they get older. I saw him live a couple times and he was pretty great.Most people only know his daughters' musical output, but his nephew Ananda Shankar made some fantastic balls-out trippy music in the 70s.

Fair enough and I'm you sure could find many of them. The Indians I know are classically trained musicians and find it awkward and clunky. WIthin you was Harrison's earlier effort at this thing. He obviously got better as he went along. Ravi Shankar himself was skeptical about this type of fusion. Though he went on

Fair enough and I'm you sure could find many of them. The Indians I know are classically trained musicians and find it awkward and clunky. WIthin you was Harrison's earlier effort at this thing. He obviously got better as he went along. Ravi Shankar himself was skeptical about this type of fusion. Though he went on

Dude, you are wrong. Also Kinks beat Beatles on the sitar train.
Also See My Friends is awesome by itself and because of how how well it blends the sitar sound.

Dude, you are wrong. Also Kinks beat Beatles on the sitar train.
Also See My Friends is awesome by itself and because of how how well it blends the sitar sound.

Find me one Indian who likes Within You Without You.

Find me one Indian who likes Within You Without You.

Agreed and agreed. The piano in Don't Pretend is a great touch.

Agreed and agreed. The piano in Don't Pretend is a great touch.

Meatloaf was never not terrible. This coming from an unabashed Dio fan.

Meatloaf was never not terrible. This coming from an unabashed Dio fan.

Name-comment synergy.

Name-comment synergy.



This being the AV Club, the lobster. Always.

This being the AV Club, the lobster. Always.