Single Panel Comic

100% yes.

I want to believe that, but there is NO WAY that a television show has the budget to pull off Blackbolt, ever.

Is it illegal for Neal and Mozzie to pursue the diamond? I mean, it's a treasure the Masons hid, not necessarily someone else's property. Mozzie also had a line in one of the last couple episodes about setting up an illegitimate empire using the totally legitimate proceeds from the diamond.

Loeb always just assumes that people are interested in characters by default. Have you read any of the comics he wrote in the past ten years?

I'm so glad to read this article, because I agree whole-heartedly. I think Cumberbatch and Freeman have good chemistry, but it doesn't rival the chemistry on Elementary, which is, somewhat revolutionarily, based on professional respect. Cumberbatch's Sherlock doesn't have respect for anybody, he just needs a friend

I think Mark Millar writes great pitches, but in practice, his execution is deeply cynical and takes all the fun out of his ideas. The one book of his I have any tolerance for is Red Son, and I think that's because writing for Superman, who was still basically the same Superman, really moderated how dark he was able

In Indiana Jones 6, I expect LaBoef to be uselessly punching… let me see, it's the cold war…. nuclear missiles out of the sky, while a somewhat collected Indie manages to crash them all at once by startling a flock of seagulls into suiciding into the missiles' engines.

I'm mad that the fake scientist in this documentary put forth a shoddy theory that the megalodon still lives. It's like he's never read anything about megalodons except that they were giant sharks and lived in the ocean. "Well, the ocean is still there, so I'm betting mega sharks are too!"

A large part of the problem is that the convention center isn't really equipped to handle the number of people that it draws. There are plenty of bigger convention centers, they just aren't on the water in San Diego. I, for one, would be happy to see it move up the coast a bit and find a little more room to breathe.

In my couple of visits, I've found I really enjoy heading to the beach, or the zoo, or having breakfast with some friends in the morning, and then hitting the show floor around the afternoon to meet creators and artists, pick up books, see some of the sights. Once I'm stocked up on reading material, I head back to the

You speak the truth.

You had wifi after Jurassic Park?

I miss Harrison Ford's hair. 

Heroes for Hire. Duh.

Heroes for Hire. Duh.

What’s your gender and age? Male/27.

What’s your gender and age? Male/27.