
Spice World is a masterpiece of ridiculous comedy and I refuse to hear otherwise (Barry Humphries as the newspaper boss is such a hilarious send up of Rupert Murdoch I cry every time) but it is VERY british in its humour.

My favourite moment in the entire episode is in the courtroom when the protestors are holding up signs and one of them reads PUNSH.

'owed chiefly to star Essie Davis, an Australian actress whose most prominent prior role was probably a supporting turn in the Matrix sequels'

well, she's chinese australian, so maybe it was the australian accent coming through.

But it was made pretty clear that Dichen Lachman was Skye's mother? (Which is PERFECT casting). So clearly we'll see more of her, even if it's just in flashbacks.


Fast forward :)

Its definitely playing in Sydney and Melbourne. Not sure where else. They had a backer screening at Hoyts Melbourne Central so maybe check your local Hoyts? Otherwise digital download :)