
Really? Guest Star X was great in Random Movie from the Last Fifteen Years X.

They had these at my local KFC in Middletown, Rhode Island (which is right next to Newport and contains all of the island's big box stores and fast food eateries and whatnot) but I decided that I was not fat enough to try one. This sandwich is like Burger King's Quad Stacker in that it's basically an "extreme

umm..the fuck?

That's exactly what I was thinking, but my concerns were for Dave Brubeck.

Well, the band's legendary non-album single "Popscene" is on here, and the version of "For Tomorrow" is the (mostly needless) "Visit To Primrose Hill Extended" version of the song. I think "Death of a Party" is a different mix than the one on the album.

also, "Tempted" by Squeeze after "Reality Bites".

Vault is pretty much the same thing as Surge, apparently.

I picked the Cinderella song (which is called "You Don't Know What You Got Til It's Gone) because it was funnier than if I said the phrase was from "Big Yellow Taxi".

You know, i'm really going to miss this guy yelling at me at 2 in the morning to buy cleaning products I don't need. To quote the awful 80's hair band Cinderella, "you don't know what you got til it's gone".

You somewhere there's somebody who's been making out like a bandit with their dead pool picks in the last few days.

"You and everyone you know will die" has long been considered the Ultimate Buzzkill. There's no need to repeat it.

I mean
at least Bryan Fuller's going to write a continuation of the series as a comic book. Or maybe a movie.

Well at least John Mayer is funny.

This is what, the third time this story was told in the comments of a Los Campesinos! news story/review?

I missed this episode but its probably on hulu/my cable company's onDemand/somewhere on the internets.

oh, and I forgot to mention that they still play it. I was born in the late 80's and it had already been playing on radio and TV here non-stop for over 15 years before I was born.

You forgot Rhode Island, too in that. We get the Bobs commercials here, too. Remember when they weren't either in claymation or featured those two idiot women?

I miss the fuck out of Rocky Point.

I think Empire might be national now because we've been getting those commercials here in Rhode Island for almost a half decade now.

And I almost forgot D'Olivera and Morgan. It's just D'Olivera and Associates after Morgan left, but they have some crazy fucking commercials. Someone else can tell you more about those. I can't do it right now.