
Yeah, I remember my local alternative station playing all sorts of random stuff like "The Mummers' Dance" by Loreena McKennit and "O Carolina" by Shaggy.

Gee, I hope I didn't send that a couple times. The new comments setup didn't want to respond for a bit.

BBC America's Karen Gillan intro kills the awesome transition from the cold open to the opening credits. Also it sort of tries to let off that Amy is the first person to travel with the Doctor as opposed to like, the thirtieth.

That's pretty much the first thing I thought of when I heard that. Surprised they didn't use "Meganekko" or "Cloudcuckoolander" as well or something.

Oh like that would ever happen. AV Club loves TMBG as much as NPR does.

I was thinking it might be either River or Romana. Or maybe both.

Blockbusters Closing = cheap movies for me
My local Blockbuster is going out of business right now. They were selling all their non-new releases for $5, so I went in and took advantage of their quaintly obsolete business model and bought 4 movies (Shaun of the Dead, Being John Malkovich, Annie Hall and the 3-disc

As A Rhode Islander
I was like "I've never heard of this guy" and then I saw the news this afternoon and they mentioned that he's that guy who keeps disrupting city council meeting sessions with random outbursts of crazy. "Oh, THAT guy".

@Lieder: The actor who played Giles = Anthony Stewart Head

"****" being…? A spoiler or an expurgated swear?

Oh wow. I forgot about all the crap in Season 11. While I was writing my initial kept thinking to myself ""Kill the Alligator and Run" is in the 11th season isn't it? I hate that episode so much".

even though I unfortunately kept watching until Season 17 (mostly because there was nothing else on), I'd say the golden years ended with Season 11. Whenever I decide to start collecting Simpsons seasons on DVD, i'm going to stop with Season 11 and pretend the show's last episode was "Behind the Laughter". There's

most Doctor Who episodes take place one of four places: Present Day Earth, Earth of the Past/Earth of the Past In Which Our Heroes Meet Historical Figure X, the Distant Future of Some Planet (and occasionally Past of Some Planet and Present of Some Planet) and the TARDIS. Recently "The Not To Distant Future of Earth"

That was a great scene except for - as Keith said - that Athlete song. Athlete has one good song, "El Salvador", and its a very good song. Shame then that everything else they've done since then has been dull and boring "sub-Travis" (i'll go with Keith's term. I like Travis, they're as soft as I go in the

oh, wait sorry the show's just called "Louie" this time around. For someone as funny as Louis C.K., he sure isn't original when he comes up with names for his TV shows.

Yeah, I had to wind up disabling Adblock for The AV Club.

Adblock Plus was blocking a pop-up ad (that winds up not showing up) on the main page that was apparently integral to the page showing up. Interesting.

slightly off topic…
is anyone else unable to access the main page?

Los Campesinos!, Broken Social Scene and a very sturdily built stage.

imdb says that yes, he played the judge in An American Carol, and it was his final film role while he was alive.