
and i guess i'll have to throw on "Lord Don't Slow Me Down" if this new album sucks too

they actually did that. Cut it into 1 album

17 tracks is fitable on a CD-R. It's a tad overlong. But what the hell?

and i actually got firsties. Woot!

yeah! that's the point! it's the best way to get rid of a charecter. But they stole it from "Doctor Who"

omg, i accidentally did this twice. bugger.

Second Posties
Takezo Kensei would be a better band name (i can hear Pitchfork now proclaiming them as a mash between BORIS and the Pillows) This was such a dissapointing episode

second post! booyah!
Haitian Pills isn't as good as Takezo Kensei (i can already hear the hipsters proclaiming Takezo Kensei to be a "mash-up of The Pillows and Boris)

Oasis' "Standing on the Shoulders of Giants", "Heathen Chemistry" and "Don't Believe the Truth"
into one LP. It makes it an album that can stand up to "Maybe" and "Morning Glory"

The Cure
their Worst album "Wild Mood Swings" into an EP
1. Gone!
2. Mint Car
3. Jupiter Crash
4. The 13th
5. Club America
6. Round & Round & Round
7. This is a Lie

You Know what else Cavemen lacks?
1. Humor
2. Interest
3. Anything to keep me from changing the channel
4. Charecter delevopment
5. A reason for it to still be on TV

If i remember, one H2G2 fansite webmaster was so horrified by the film that he took his website down.

I agree with Iz, this is not the last time we will see this charecter unfortunately. There will certainly be ANOTHER jump to ANOTHER alternate future somewhere in this season.

my thoughts
*How do you get rid of an annoying secondary charecter?: Get her deported. In an alternate future. With a virus that killed most of the earth.
Am i the only person happy to see the Irish barmaid is gone, probably for good?

H2G2 wasn't that bad. A dissapointment yes, but not terrible. Martin Freeman and Zooey Deschanel were very good in it. However, those two were the only good casting choices. I mean, Alan Rickman voicing Marvin couldn't have been anymore obvious.
I mean, at least this is taken from a draft that DNA wrote himself, so it…

Baseball isn't important? I mean, if it was any other team but the Red Sox, i'd understand…

Stuff i've noticed
*It sucks that this article missed Feist's "1,2,3,4" when it was in the Top 20 for no reason. Good luck next month with Finger Eleven's Paralyzer.

another thing
Why does the American public seem to like horrible songs and the British public seem to like awesome ass music (Hadouken! at #36? Awesome!) that gets nowhere in the US (unless you listen to Modern Rock or College radio)?

I love these articles. Shame he didn't do it when "1234" by Feist - quite possibly the best top 20 single of this year - was in the top 10 without any pop radio airplay at all.