pig nash

I have seen Pearl, thought that was before Amazon.  I'm on Tocantins now, I'll try Palau and FvF1 next.

With Malcolm gone and with what looks to be a couple boring (strategy-wise) episodes to go, I'm looking to watch a latter period season that I:
a.) missed (stopped watching every season after Amazon, watched All Stars, Heroes vs Villians, and One World)
b.) don't know the ending to (Redemption Island, Phillipines)

He rides across the nation, the thoroughbred of sin.

I think it's from the John Dore episode and they were talking about how when Canadian guys finish in the bedroom that must be the call that runs through their head. Now it's just a call to arms for members of Sklarbro Country, so if you yell it in a public place and get a response back you can make friends or share a