
No snotnose punk kid is going to leave my cheese in the wind.

A Mcflurry. Both are full of Reese's (or M&M's) and are good at 11pm.

They did a song about Rain Wilson? I take back my earlier post!!

'Twas the first first and likely the last first.
Suitable for framing, including scorn and contempt.

Could it be?

Stuart Bradley
offers up more emo rock-a-billy tracks on their eclectic new album:
A Life, a Man, an Empire.

Hammer AKA MC Hammer…
…was a batboy for the Oakland A's as a youth. He should go back to doing that.

Yeah, my thought exactly.

I can drink a quart of Monkey and still stand still….

"You lost the Taste Test right there" (@3:02)
As if there is a way to win said test?

"Fuck me, I can't taste the salt. Seemed weak to me."
Really? Nothing?

Chairman Mao's benevolence.

"Oh My Gawd, look at that girl's butt!"

I will add the credit to your stimulus check. Consider it in the mail!!!

I hate that I pay my hard earned admission fee, go on that ride, and always end up helping to fight the Empire.

Connect Four-The Blocking
Tarantino is already optioning the rights: