
So, you passed the bar, right?

Allan Loeb, the guy who wrote this, seems to be selling screenplays for a million dollars a piece, yet his box office is only fair and his screenplays are often only serviceable. Why does Hollywood throw money at certain people who proved they have not much to offer?

She also criticized Amy Sherman Padino for not having a diverse enough cast. Please do not criticize the writer of "Gilmore Girls". Two seconds of her dialogue is way better than a seasons worth of scripts by Rhimes.

However, even if Ryan Murphy's work is far from perfect, at least he gave some original premises.

She wrote "Crossroads", which disqualifys her from being the greatest anything.

*Smacks the CEO of Netflix with a 'Community' DVD*

To be fair, it's been a long time since they where profitable syndication magnets.

I love to see that, actually. Someone needs to it.

"David Duke and the Nazis really seem to like Donald Trump, which is weird because Nazis are a lot like cats: If they like you, it's probably because you're feeding them."

"I believe eating the lions gives me power"
"I heard you believe in a bunch of crazy things"

Him just being unpleasant and them calling it autism reminds me of the South Park where Cartman discovers Tourette Syndrome and just thinking it's a excuse to constantly be a asshole if he can pretend to have it. The funny thing is a Tourette foundation issued a statement before the episode saying they where concerned

Well, I'll check it out. I like both these people. I have affection for "The IT Crowd" and "Everyone Loves Raymond". Yes, I'm aware this is a drama.

It's from the creator of "House", who basically I would think, pitched a younger, more lovable version of "House". It's like "House", except you know, he's younger, has Aspergers and is not a asshole.

"Autism Speaks: The Sitcom" Ouch.

I remember that movie. The kid dies at the end. THE KID DIES AT THE END.

Tom Green is a guy who kinda had a huge career for a couple minutes. Like, really a big Hollywood career. Hell, he was even married to Drew Barrymore for five minutes. Now he's kinda a flash in the pan from the 90s and early 2000s.

Thank you Trump supporters. You basically ruined America for the rest of us.

William Gibson: I've read a ton of his books, and they are still a bitch to read.

Set phasers to love me!

Elmo snort cocaine!